we walk to a little bar, food place thing and sit at a big booth, meeting back up with blaise and draco, draco speaks up,"god im so grateful i didn't go with you lot, i bet it was hell watching her try on all those clothes" he laughs

"it wasn't that bad mate" theo laughs

"yeah suuuureee" draco nods slowly and laughs

"oh whatever malfoy, they enjoyed the show, it's like going to a runway for free, i do the spin and everything" i smirk and laugh quietly

"oh i bet you do" he laughs back

draco and blaise get everyone butterbeers and place them infront of us, we all just talk and drink for a while.

"so... quidditch starts again soon, are you all gonna do it again?" i ask looking at the boys

"i mean yeah, why not" blaise says

"might aswell" enzo agrees, the rest of them do too

"hopefully we might actually win a game this time, touch wood" mattheo says and laughs as he slams his hand on the table, hoping he doesn't jinx it.

after we had all gotten a bit tipsy we realised that it had only just turned 2 in the afternoon so we'd all gotten day drunk. "oh come ooooon guys, it's 5pm somewhere" blaise slurs and laughs at himself. needless to say, most of us weren't pleased about our day drinking but blaise was clearly just enjoying himself, making the most of it. we decided to go back to the castle and just hang out in someones dorm.

"so who's dorm are we going to?" blaise asks, tripping over his own foot as we make our way back up to the castle

"we can go to mine? i have to drop my bags off anyway" i say.

"yeah okay" he answers


we're all in my room, me and enzo sat on my bed and everyone else (theo, matt, draco and blaise) sat on beanbags on the floor in a circle.

"so when are the quidditch try-outs?" i ask, tilting my head to the side slightly

"tomorrow i believe" matt says

"oh okay" i nod and stand up, going over to my windowsill and sitting down, opening the window slightly and getting a cig out, putting it between my lips, lighting it and then puffing on it. i turn to face the boys again 

"why, did you wanna try-out?" matt asks, raising his eyebrow at me and laughing quietly

"oh god no!" i laugh and take another puff of my cigarette, "i wanna watch" 

"oooohh yeah that makes more sense" he laughs again

theo stands up and walks over to me whilst the other boys are deep in conversation about how they're gonna beat gryffindor this year and whatever

"hey theo" i smile at him

"hey, can i smoke over here with you?"  he asks

"yeah yeah go ahead" i smile and swing my legs down from the windowsill so that he can sit down with me. he smiles at me and then puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it. he sits down on my windowsill next to me and smokes. 

i watch him as he puffs on it and then takes it between two fingers and lets his arm fall to his side... his fingers just grazing my thigh when he moves his hand down. i look back up to his face and watch as theo blows out a stream of smoke.  i carry on watching his hands as he lifts it back to his mouth, taking another puff. i look up at his eyes and see he's looking right at me whilst puffing on his cigarette. i hold the eye contact for a minute before he blows the smoke out smirking and rolls his head to the side to watch the boys again, i do the same. 

we both finish smoking and sit back down, theo goes back to the beanbag and i go back to laying on my stomach at the end of my bed next to enzo. "so when's the next party guys?" i ask smiling

"jade we had a party like only a couple days ago-" draco says, scrunching his eyebrows but smiling slightly

"so? doesn't mean we can't have more?" i raise my eyebrows at him and laugh

"there'll probably be one after the first quidditch match, house that wins throws a party?" enzo says, looking at me

"and whens the first match?" i look back at him next to me

"next week" he nods

"oh thank god" i smile and laugh slightly

"so your all doing quidditch again this year?" i ask

"yeah" all of them agree

"oh great" i smile

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