i look up at theo who's fast asleep beside me, i press a kiss to his nose and then stand up and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. once i'm done i come back out of the bathroom and sit at my desk, turning on my straighteners. i finish my hair and then go to stand up but before i can, 2 arms lean on my desk either side of me and i can see theo in the mirror start to press a soft kiss onto my neck, moving my hair out of the way with one of his fingers. 

"good morning" i smile at him and put my hand ontop of his,"there's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom still in the box"

"morning, thank you" he smiles at me through the mirror and then presses a soft kiss to my cheek before moving away and going into the bathroom. 

i've put on my uniform and he comes back out and puts on his socks and trousers whilst i slip my shoes on. there's a loud banging on the door, we share a confused look and then i go over to the door and open it, pansy storming in and stopping as she sees theo stood there with no shirt on and a bite mark on his shoulder.

"wow so you really are the slut i thought you were" she laughs shouting

"excuse me?" i scrunch my eyebrows at her and then she swings at me, punching my cheek and lips. i hold my cheek and look back up and her laughing,"that's all you got?"

i move forward and punch her cheek back, then punching her straight in the eye. her head drops and she holds her eye, i take the chance to grab her hair and push her head down as i push my knee up hard, hitting her face against my knee. she cries out and lifts her head up again, punching me in the eye and i feel my eyebrow split. great. i make the final hit of punching her on her already broken nose and she screams, theo finally pulls me away and then moves forward to  push her out of my dorm, slamming the door into her back. 

the adrenaline finally cools off and i hiss in pain, realising how fucked my face is. "what the fuck was that all about?" theo says, holding my face lightly to see the damage. i just shake my head,"no fucking clue"

we go into the bathroom and i look at myself in the mirror: my nose is bleeding, split lip, and a split eyebrow. fuck. i sit down on the side and theo gets the first aid kit and then stands in between my legs. he smiles softly at me,"hurts huh?" 

"uhh yeah, just a little" i laugh slightly

i put my hands onto theo's shoulders as he starts to clean my face, my nails digging into the top of his back from the pain. he bandages the cuts and then wraps his arms around me, pulling my body into him, my arms wrap around him.


yooo jade, the fuck happened to your face dude?" matt looks at me confused as i sit down next to him in charms. 

"pansy stormed into my dorm this morning, called me a slut and then tried to fight me, i have no fucking clue what i did to piss her off though" i tell him

"shit, i think you might need to talk to draco about that..." he says, looking down at the paper in front of him

"what do you mean?" i ask, confused out of my mind

"he might know why pansy was in a mood, they've been talking since the party last week" he says

"huh, alright" i say, shaking my head slightly and writing down the title for the work


i stand outside dracos door, banging on it,"DRACO"

he opens the door and stands there confused, his eyes travelling along my face to all the cuts and bruises,"oh- heyy jade... listen- i can explain" he says, opening the door for me

i walk into his dorm and sit down of the edge of his bed, leaning back on my arms,"go on then" i snap

he closes the door and walks in front of me,"look, i hooked up with pansy and... well she wanted to date me and i don't want to date right now and so i kind of... maybe told her... that i fancied you so that she'd get off my case"

my jaw clenches and i sigh,"you told her you fancied me instead of just telling her that you weren't interested? draco are you fucking stupid?! she tried to beat me up in my own dorm and called me a slut, we had a fight and it only fucking stopped cause theo pushed her out of my dorm and slammed the door into her" i shake my head

"look, im sorry alright?! i just- she put me on the spot and that's what first came into my head cause i thought it wold hurt her less than me saying i just wanted the sex and nothing else! and why was theo in your dorm?"

"you thought it would hurt her less! oh my god your a fucking idiot, seriously you need to do your fucking research dude, everyone knows that saying that's worse than just calling it a hookup! and it doesn't matter why theo was in my dorm! you should've just fucking told me that she was mad at me. whatever, it's fine now, but you better sort this out with her because getting into a fight at like 8 in the morning is not something i like doing!" 

"i'll talk to her, im sorry"

"good, ill see you at dinner" i say, standing up and walking out, going to my next class

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