i wake up hearing someone knock on my door and then open it, walking up to my bed and pulling the covers off of me

"come on jade, you've missed breakfast!" i open my eyes and see mattheo stood there waiting for me to get up. shit, it's friday. i know, having us all get here on a thursday to have one day of school then the weekend, pisstake but it's whatever. i let out a groan and sit up whilst mattheo laughs, "i'll see you in potions jade" he says, walking out and shutting the door behind him

i stand up and walk into the bathroom. chucking all of my clothes on the floor i step into the shower and wash my hair and body, then getting out and drying off and then straightening my hair. being a girl sucks. i walk over to my wardrobe and realise i only have 10 minutes to get to potions so i grab my uniform out and start putting it on, hoping that i actually got my uniform and not something else. i put my bra on and my pants, then my tights and shirt, tie, jumper, skirt and blazer. grabbing my phone, vape and wand, i chuck them all into the pockets of my blazer, slipping on my shoes and then walking as fast as i could to first period.

i manage to get to potions just before the last bell went, standing at my table i can hear a bunch of people whispering around me and then see my lot walk in through the door, late. "boys, your late!" snape says, his voice extremely loud for only 9:20 in the morning. i hold my head in my hands and bend down, leaning my elbows on the table.

"hey jade" enzo says from next to me, his arm snaking its way round my waist

"hey enzo" i reply, standing up to properly look at him

"so uh... did you check what you put on this morning or did you just want to wear that tiny skirt?" he laughs, eyebrows raised. what the fuck is he on about? i move out of his grip and touch the bottom of my skirt, covering my face when i realised i put on my skirt from second year. considering i've grown quite a lot since then, in all of the departments, the skirt is indeed very small and very short, the bottom of my ass was quite literally on show when i was bent over when the boys came in, and they all saw. fuck my life. it did just about cover my ass when i was stood though so it's not that bad, i think at least.

i sigh and turn back to face our group,"it didn't happen, you lot saw nothing" i say, my eyebrows raised. they all just smirk and agree, mattheo even holding his hands up in defence. theo just stood there with a look in his eyes, like he was mad. whatever, just need to get through this lesson, they'll probably have forgotten by the end.


i walk into the slytherin common room and sit down on the sofa, laying my head on the arm closest to the fire, letting it warm me up. i open my book and start reading. 20 minutes later people start coming into the common room and going to their friend groups, then all the boys walk in. they saw me and all sat on the sofas.

"why didn't you come to lunch jade?" draco asks, sitting on the sofa opposite me

"weren't feeling well, just needed some quiet for a bit i guess" i shrug and close my book

"oh okay, and are you feeling better now?" he asks, leaning forward in his seat

"yeah im good now" i smile to him and then lean my head on the back of the sofa,putting my book down on the small table in between us,"i think i'm gonna go for a smoke"

"can i come?" mattheo asks, raising his eyebrows 

"sure" i reply, nodding my head and standing up and walking to the common room door, waiting for mattheo to follow me

mattheo stands up and then looks back,"you coming theo?" he asks

theo stands up and follows him. we all walk to the astronomy tower, up all the stairs and then i sit down next to one of the bars from the railing, the edge of the tower on my side. theo sits down opposite me and mattheo sits down next to us as we form a semi-circle. i take out my packet of cigs and get one out, putting it inbetween my lips and then lighting it, inhaling the smoke and then blowing it out into the fresh night air, the boys do the same. 

"soooo, whats going on with you guys at the minute? i feel like i've only really spoken to draco and enzo recently" i ask, puffing on the cigarette and looking at the boys

"well i'm speaking to someone right now?" mattheo answers, smirking

"are you talking talking or just fucking around with her?" i ask him

"i don't know, we've only just started talking but she acts like we're married... i don't know whether i even like her or not yet" he slightly laughs and shakes his head, taking a drag from his cig

"well thats... different? anything happening with you theo?" i turn to look at him. 

bedroom eyes. thats all i have to say. theres something so attractive about them, just the way he can stare into my soul like that. i don't know.

theo takes a puff from his cigarette and shakes his head, he takes the cig between 2 fingers and holds it like that,"i got nothing" he puffs out his cheeks and shakes his head, then putting his cigarette back between his lips and puffing on it

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