me and enzo get to the boys who are all stood next to a tree just talking,"oi guys wheres theo?" i ask, scrunching my eyebrows

"dunno, he must've fucked off earlier cause he disappeared after potions this morning" blaise shrugs

i light up a cig and puff on it whilst talking to the boys about fuck knows what. 

after what only felt like 2 minutes, the bell rang again signalling the start of 3rd period. i put out my cig and walk to my dorm, theres no way im going to transfiguration, i hate it. 

i get into my room and close the door behind me. i put on some music and go through the bottom of my wardrobe looking for something, found it. my tattoo gun. sure it's not legal but  i do have a license... illegally. it's whatever. i sit on the floor and plug all the stuff in, sorting out ink and needles and the stencil printer. i've wanted a tattoo of a dragon down my leg for ages and now that i have the time to do it, im going to, i take off my stockings and shave my legs, disinfecting too . i print out my stencil and place it on the outer-side of my right leg. i check the placement and peel off the stencil and then start tattooing it


its been 2 hours and lunch is just starting but the rest of the tattoo is gonna take like around 20 minutes as im almost completely done, now just adding extra detail. i pick up my phone and ring draco, putting it on loud speaker and carrying on with the tattoo, he picks up the phone

"you alright jade?"draco asks

 "yeah i was just wondering if you could do me a favour please?" i ask

"yeah sure what is it?" he asks

"can you get me a couple slices of pepperoni pizza and bring them to my dorm please, im kind of in the middle of something and by the time i get to the hall it'll all be gone" i say

"yeah okay, i'll be down in 5ish" he replies

"thank you" i cut off the call and continue my tattoo

after 5ish minutes theres a knock at my door,"yeah come in" i say

draco opens the door and places a plate of pizza on my desk "thank you" i say not looking up

he shuts the door and sits down next to me and watches me as i tattoo my leg. he sits there in silence for the next 10 minutes as i sing and finish the tattoo. i turn off the equipment and clean the tattoo, then stand up to look at it in my mirror. im in love. 

"what do you think draco?" i ask, turning my legs towards him and sitting down at my desk so he can see it whilst i eat the pizza he brought me

"you did that yourself?" he asks, still sat down but turned so he's directly infront of it, inspecting the patterns and detail on it

"mhm" i nod and eat the pizza 

"it's really good" he says, just staring at it, inspecting it closely

"thank you" i finish my food and realise that it's almost time for last period, astrology

"we have astrology last draco, it's in 15 minutes, should we leave now?" i say

"umm yeah- yeah" he shakes his head and looks back up at m like he's been snapped out of a trance  

i put the second skin over my tattoo and then put my stockings back on and my shoes, putting on my robe and leaving. we get to the classroom and i sit down at the back, me and enzo on one table, and the rest of the boys spread out around the room. enzo comes into the room and sits down next to me in his seat. we all just get on with the work, sketching the different constellations and writing about them. the class goes by so quick, so by the time i've finished writing about the constellations i chose, the class was finished. 

i walk out the door and see theo leaning against the wall opposite me, he smiles upon seeing me and walks over, following me outside,"you going for a smoke?" he asks

"mhm" i hum, tired from the after-effects of what i smoked with luna a few hours before,"you coming with?" 

"of course" he smiles

we get outside the castle and stand opposite eachother so we could talk and see each others faces. we both light our cigarettes and as i take the first puff of mine i see the drawing of my flowers on his hand, they look like they haven't even smudged, haven't even faded in the slightest. i blow out the smoke and point to his hand,"how have they not washed off yet, my pen isn't permanent?" i ask him 

he smirks before answering, blowing out the smoke,"your pen isn't but the tattoo gun that was used on me definitely is" he says laughing slightly, taking another puff on his cig

i look up into his eyes, not sure of what to say,"you- you got my flowers tattooed on you?" i ask him, my eyebrows scrunched slightly as i start to smile. he nods and takes another puff on his cig, i do the same. 

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