first assembly of the year, yay! i've always hated assemblies for as long as i can remember, they drag on so long and its just a waste of time but after they're done we get to go to our dorms and unpack which i always love, i have my own dorm, luckily enough. well i say that but in reality i only have my own dorm because the girls that i was sharing with were scared of me because of my fathers reputation, cheers dad, only good thing about him like ever! 

after the assembly was over i stood up and left, not wanting to eat and i went straight to my dorm to unpack my stuff; my clothes, books, candles, you know all the necessities. and then my door knocked, for fucksake. 

"yeah come in" i said facing away from the door, still pulling books and stuff out of my luggage

"hey jade!" i hear a sweet voice say, thank god it's her

"oh hey luna, how are you, how was your summer" i ask, turning around and facing her then turning back around to put all my stuff away as she rambles on about her summer

i finally finish unpacking after luna left and got into bed, pulling out my phone and headphones, putting the headphones on and listening to music basically deafening myself by how loud it was. i was laying on my stomach and leaning on my arms on my pillows, pulling out my laptop and starting to write notes on things i planned to do this year, my 6th year of hogwarts. just this year and then one year left, and i have no clue what to do after i leave. something taps my back so i turn around and see enzo stood next to my bed

"oh hey enzo whats up?" i say, pulling my headphones off of me and putting them next to me on my pillow.

"sorry jade, i did knock but you obviously didn't hear me" he laughs quietly, "i just wanted to see how you are and im guessing draco tried to 'recruit you' again" he air-quotes and laughs louder

"yes, yes he did, and i just gave in and let them all sit in my compartment in the train, it wasn't too bad but he can be such a dick sometimes" i laugh.

i've known all the boys for all my life i think, all our families being death-eaters and all that. but even though im close with them i still pretend like im not, pushing all the boys away, not 'befriending' them or anything like that. although i've always had this bond with enzo, he's just so sweet and he always checks up on me, doesn't make any rude remarks or any of that, he's genuinely just one of the sweetest boys ever. it's always like this, he'll come to my dorm, ask me how i'm doing, and then we'll just talk until he needs to do something. it's nice

"so, lorenzo, why weren't you with the boys on the way over here?" i ask as he bends down and sits on my bed, i get up and turn around, sitting with my back to my bed-frame and legs crossed

"well i got to the station just before the train left and then got on but couldn't find any of you guys so i found, luckily, an empty compartment and sat there, i couldn't be bothered to walk all the way up the train to be honest" he laughs

"oh enzo you could've messaged me and i would've come down to you, the boys would've probably followed me like lost dogs anyway" i laugh. he laughs back and puts his hand on my knee

"it's fine, mattheos throwing a party in the common room tonight as like a back to school party sorta thing i think, you coming?" he asks smiling

"you know i will, if it's tonight then go over to my wardrobe and pick me out something to wear, i  can't be bothered to do it myself" i laugh as he stands up and walks over to my wardrobe, opening it and looking through my options. whilst he's doing that, i lean over to the side of my bed and open my bedside table draw, grabbing out one of my countless different unopened vapes and sitting back up, opening it and taking a puff. i love buying them in bulks to keep at school so that when it's freezing outside i don't have to open my window to have a smoke, well i mean sometimes i don't open the window but then i always forget i have an ashtray in here somewhere so the ash goes everywhere so i just find vapes a bit more convenient like that, also so that i don't have to get up and stand by the window. 

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