we get to a little bar that's sort of hidden and we sit down at a booth again, theo sat on one end, then me and enzo and on the other side was matt at the end, then draco and then blaise. we just order and round of beers and sit there talking. matt turns to look at me

"i did say she was too much, you believe me now jade?" he asks laughing slightly

"i always believed you matt but she was a fucking weirdo!" i laugh

we get our drinks and all start drinking them and carry on talking, my breath hitches when a feel a hand just above my knee, i turn to look up at theo but he doesn't look back at me, only smirks to himself as he carries on talking to matt. i pick up my glass and drink abit more and then slowly put it down when i feel theo's hand go up my thigh a bit more, his thumb tracing circles on the outside of my thigh.

"jade?" draco says, scrunching up his eyebrows when i don't answer, "jade!" 

"yeah, yeah sorry what?" i snap out of it and answer him

"i said do you want something to eat? me and matt are gonna go order in a minute" he says

"oh sorry um, can i just have like some chips please?" i ask and smile

"yeah of course" he smiles back and him and matt go up to the bar, ordering everyones food

i feel something on my top lip so i lick it thinking it was just beer and then i realise that im bleeding,"oh shit" i say and start going through my purse to find the tiny bandages that i have for stitches, to hold them together. once i find one, theo takes it off of me and holds my chin, turning my face to his. he gets the bandage and sticks it over my split lip to hold it together so it'll heal properly and then lets go and puts his hand back on the middle of my thigh. the whole time he does it we hold eye contact and my breathing stops, once he turns to the boys that were walking back from ordering, i let out a breath that i wasn't even aware i was holding. "im gonna go for a smoke before our food comes" i say

theo stands up and lets me out and then follows me outside, his hand on my lower back the whole time. we get outside and i lean against the wall, lighting my cig and taking a puff on it. he does the same. "what was that all about theo?" i raise my eyebrow at him and smirk slightly

"i don't know what your talking about jade" he smirks and shakes his head slowly

"oh whatever" i laugh slightly and puff on my cig

theo moves closer and leans his side against wall next to me,"your just something else, you know that jade?" he asks smirking, taking another puff on his cigarette 

"thank you?" i laugh, smoking still

we can hear the music from outside the bar and then the song 'Disturbia' by Rihanna comes on

"oh shit, this is my song!" my eyebrows shoot up and i take the last puff on my cig before putting it out on-top of the bin and going back into the bar. theo laughs and follows me in, the lights from inside the bar are like beams of colours as it starts to get later, i go over to the floor where people are dancing and i join in, dancing with them.

the boys watch me closely as i dance with a bunch of strangers a couple of meters away from them, then enzo stands up and comes over to me, grabbing my hand and taking it above my head, spinning me. we're both laughing and dancing together as the song goes on. me and enzo are grinding against eachother slightly and dancing against eachother and laughing, just enjoying ourselves. the song starts to end and i take enzos hand and we go and sit back down in the booth where we were sat before

i sit down smiling, inbetween enzo and theo, me and enzo are still laughing about the fact that we danced to one song and then sat back down but our food was there so it made sense. the food infront of me is a burger and chips.

"guys i only wanted chips?" i say, looking between draco and mattheo, the 2 that ordered

"jade you can't only have chips" matt answers

"um yeah i can! how do you think i stay this sexy?" i laugh "joking"

the boys laugh, "just eat it jade, you'll be fine" he shakes his head still laughing, i feel a hand slowly slide back onto my thigh, just at the bottom of my dress

the boys are all deep into their conversations but i just eat my chips slowly as i feel theo's hand stroke my thigh slowly and his fingers sliding underneath the end of my dress, his hand slowly rubbing circles on the top of my thigh. his pinky slowly slips down the inside of my thigh and gets dangerously close to my underwear. i carry on eating slowly as this happens, praying that he doesn't make contact with my thong because it is most definitely wet because of him. his pinky makes contact. fuck. i feel it slide across the front of my thong, teasing me. when theo realises that im wet he lets out a small laugh and then carries on teasing me.

we finish eating and pay, then walking back to the cars

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