(S:1)Chapter 1: Beginning

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Hay everyone this is the author, obviously, i just want to say some details for context of when and where and who. This happens after trolls 3, they live in trollstopia or known as trolls kingdom as a whole, and this is a pretty far time skip after the 3 rd movie so maybe a year 1/2 after. And it's not all cannon, but creep- sorry i mean creek is still known as 'dead' and doesn't show up at all since he 'died' (or does he🤨)

They sun rises over trolls kingdom and you see queen poppy sleeping peacefully in her pod, unaware of the danger creeping about her pod. In just a blink, a small yellow troll with strong aqua hair jumps out from the foot of the queens bed. In a riot she screamed with her deep scratchy voice,

"Mazel Tov Poppy!!"


The still have asleep queen jumped on her bed with her hands in fist with her words ready to fight the "danger" that was her close friend smidge.

"Woah woah! Put the girls down i come in peace!" Smidge replied with a slight chuckle.

"Wha.. Huh? OH it's just you smidge, my cupcakes i thought you were her to... Never mind that why have you come again?" The queen rambled soon making her point.

Sitting back down her circular bed she smiled her warm happy smile waiting for her friend's answer.

"Poppy, did you forget?" Smidge look at her friend in slight disbelief.

"Forget what exactly?" Poppy asked bracing herself for a lengthy lecture. Instead greeted with news she had dreamed of all her life.

"Poppy is your wedding day!" Smidge said excitedly. practically bouncing up and down on poppy's bed with exuberance.

"My. . . My WHAT! Oh my cloudpuffs IM NOT READY!" She panicked. soon all her thoughts of the last couple of weeks came rushing back. That bachelorette party messed her up. "IM GETTING MARRIED! TODAY!" She squealed. She rolled on to her back in a fetal position and held in her excitement.

"Yes you are! But also in about a hour in half! GET UP!" Smidge responded rushing poppy out of bed to get her hair and makeup, satin, and chenille already waiting to get her dolled up for her big day.

————Meanwhile in branches bunker————

"Are you sure i look alright?" A husky voice asked

"I'm telling you branch you look probably the best you ever had!" A defined hip hop accent spoke in response.

"Yeah! I don't think your name should be branch anymore! Maybe more like tree!" A laughter filled troll spoke after.

"See cooper that joke could have been funny, But now i'm overthinking." The strong husky voice spoke again.

"Yeah coop why don't yo sit over there and just color?" The hip hop troll butting in.

"Shapes and colors. . ." Cooper was mesmerized but the coloring book unaware of his surroundings. "That will keep him occupied for maybe a hour or a week. I can't tell." The hip hop troll laughed slightly

"Thanks D, he was freaking me out." Branch mimicked a shudder. "No prob B." Prince D smiled while Floyd continued to work on branches hair.

"You know bitty b maybe you could add hairspray, instead of gel. It hold better." A teal square framed troll spoke his voice deep and defined. The teal troll reached over to grab hairspray before branches budged in. "John Dory i swear to everything glittery i will uninvited you to my wedding if you touch that caking hairspray."

"Yes sir." JD taking the message from his youngest brother sat with the rest of his brothers, waiting for branch to finish getting ready.

———time skip (1H l8)———

"Well what do you think?" Floyd asked after fixing branches hair. (It looked the same... just maybe shinier)

"Perfect." Branch responded. "Thank you."

"Yeah yeah of course but now WE HAVE TO GO!" Clay quickly said the only troll keeping track of the time they were losing

———Poppy's Pod around the same time ———

" Voilà! What do you think Madame?" Viva her older sister said as she finished poppy's makeup. "Oh viv..." Poppy took a moment looking at all sides of her face. "I didn't know it was possible to look good from EVERY SIDE OF MY FACE!" Poppy squealed bursting with excitement!

"Poppy no need to rush, but you have less them 10 minutes." chenille says a small rush to her voice. "The wedding will wait for the bride." Smidge whipped her head around glaring at the colder twin, then smiled.

"Okay, i'm ready." Poppy called out from behind the curtain from where she changed into her wedding dress. Everyone waited at the edge of there 'seats' practically begging to see poppy completely ready for her big day.

Poppy steps out from behind the pink curtain and she is literally glowing. Her wedding dress is a traditional white strapless dress, almost slim fitting but still had a very nice flow to it, a train in the back with so many flowers embroidered and fake. Her hair was up in a updo that looked like a bouquet, with pearls in her hair matching the pearls ont he dress.

Everyone stared at the queen tears to there eyes.

DJ was the first to speak. "Poppy ... you look. Absolutely stunning." Her mouth dropped as she stared in awe.

" satin, chenille is the dress fitting alright? Do i look okay with it on?" the bride worried. "No, poppy, this has to be the best dress anyone has ever worn." satin said softly tears to her eyes.

"I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me!" Viva called, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "Viva, carful don't mess up your makeup!" Poppy exclaimed. "I don't give a cherry about the makeup, you are so beautiful pops!" Viva looked up at her sister and smiled brightly.

"Hate to stop this lovely family moment but, Let's go!" Smidge called out. "You do you beautiful poppy truly the prettiest troll ever." Smidge added before gathering everyone outside to the reception.

"Are you ready?" Viva said to her younger sister.
"Ready as i'll ever be." Poppy smiled still processing that she is about to marry the troll she did not expect to love as much as she does.

She saw her father waiting for her his hand out stretched. When she got closer the old king whispered "You look just as beautiful as your mother. She would be proud." King peppy smiled.

"Let's do this." Poppy said overcome with determination and excitement.

Thank you for reading the first chapter! If you have any questions i will love to answer and thank you again for supporting my first story!! 💕💕💕

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