(S:2) Chapter 14: Undesire

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SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!!! I'm really trying to experiment with steamier stuff. (NOT SMUT. love y'all but NO) but like... idk you'll see in this chapter what I'm trying to say so... THERE IS YOUR WARNING. also, you'll hate but love me.




Tw: Emotional Abuse & Fleek

Please read this while listening to the Spotify playlist "writing a sad love story" NOT ON SHUFFLE.

"That bastard couldn't have you so now he wants my brother." Branch's fist clasped in a tight ball of pent-up anger.

"You don't think he is doing this just to..." Poppy shuffled her hands waiting for branch to finish the statement.

"To toy with me... yes he would." Branch rubbed his temple this whole situation makes his headache with possible outcomes.

"Well, we have to go find him and tell him the truth." Poppy blurted out, unconfadent in her own words.

"Poppy are you sure you want others, besides me, to know? It's a lot." Branch asked worried and concerned. He took poppy's hands.

"He must know creeks true intentions." Poppy took branch's hand that he had already taken and held them tighter for reassurance.

"As long as you don't leave my side. I'll be perfect." She spoke.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Branch responded stealing a quick kiss before rushing out.


"I swear I didn't know it was there!" A light teal troll held his face as they laughed.

"Oh sure, you 'didn't' know a sign was there AS you tripped over it!" A relaxed lilac troll spoke with a hint of sarcasm to his tone.  His hands rested calmly in the pockets of his long flowing mustard yellow pants.

"Okay, okay maybe... I was too excited to see you to bother with wet floor signs." The other troll spoke back his voice sparked with a flirt.

Creek's pace slowed as he looked at Floyd's hands dangerously close to his.

"Maybe... I should have been there sooner. To catch you."

His tone lowered as he found Floyd's hands. Hooking them together by the start of his next sentence to cue his words to his actions.

Floyd took a sharp breath in his muscles tensing.

Creek kept his hand locked with his.

A drop of water fell on Floyd's nose.

Another, on creeks ear.


"Hurry! This way!" Floyd led creek to a tall oak tree pressing close to its bark to keep. dry.

Creek followed and unconsciously pinned Floyd to that oak tree, his gaze behind him to watch the fallen water droplets.

"Wow! We barely made it out. That was unexpected, ey?" Creek, with his head still turned behind him, said expecting an answer from Floyd who was under his hold.

"Floyd?" Creek called again, then turning his head to see their current position.

He found Floyd's face flushed with a bright purple blush, that made the cold rain as hot as the sun. His mouth parted slightly open his eyes wide with wonder.

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