(S:1)Chapter 2: Surprises

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Music played as poppy walked down the beautifully decorated wedding aisle.

Her father in her arms she smiled brighter then ever before she still couldn't believe what she was about to experience every young troll her age dreamed of.

This fair day, she did not expect it to be so soon. She was beyond grateful.

"Awh dad i hope those are happy tears."

Poppy said turning to her father look at her with tears forming in his eyes.

" oh, no, Poppy they are far better than just happy tears, of course, I knew this day would not come easy to me, but I am glad it is with someone who I know, and trust will protect you."

The previous king sniffled.

they continued making their way down, the mentally long aisle way. Poppy looked up to see her fiancé gaze upon her.

She couldn't help but smile. Her smile was never as bright as it was right now, same with branch.

Poppy couldn't help but let her eyes water with happiness. she thought she knew what happiness really was but in reality she just now experienced it.

This feeling no other troll could ever experience, she admitted to herself.

"Don't cry my darling."

peppy said calmingly as the stop at the foot of the steps, the endless walk finally came to fruition.

"I can't help it, i'll miss you."

Poppy cried softly.

"Oh my sweet girl, there is nothing to miss, i will always be right here when you need me. Even when i seem far away i am right besides you, in your heart."

Peppys spoke is wisdom to his voice.

Poppy exhaled and turned to her fiancé. His eyes fixed upon Poppy looking her up and down, admiring her in every way that he could.

She turned her head to her father, unable to stop herself from giving her father a great big hug before being handed off to her future husband.

Peppy gasped in very slight shock and hugs his daughter right back. Poppy took her father's hand after exiting the hug and climbed up the steps to stand in front of branch.

The troll she tried desperately every day for 15 years trying to make him happy after being a village grump for 18 of those years.

Soon after a desperate mission to save her kingdom he found his true happiness with poppy, and their love grew from there.

————Branches POV ————

She could not be more beautiful than she is right now.

Branch thought staring in awe at his soon to be wife.

He wasn't mesmerized by the makeup, or the hair, even the dress.
No, it was the thought that they would be together, united, banded together for years to come. That made her even more beautiful than he could ever imagine.

"Stand up tall branch, and fix your face, you look like how girls look at me."

His older brother bruce commented.

" Sorry sorry, and don't be weird."

Branch retorted back playfully.
Bruce turned to the second older brother clay and laughed together 'softly'.

Floyd the second youngest brother elbowed the two trolls and gave them a mom look. (Had to pull the big guns)

"Branch is seconds away from getting married SHUsh!"

He snapped quietly.

The brother stood tall and look forward mimicking robots taking commands only from Floyd. (🫡)

Poppy got to the foot of the steps and branched stared at her, like a boy watching his crush from afar.

When she looked his way he blushed, he smiled gayly, weird that the troll he his is about marry still makes him nervous.

She got up to the steps and faced branch her eyes watery but glowing with pure joy, as were his.

Branch took her hands in his and couldn't keep his eyes off her. Poppy bit her lower lip to help herself stop from smiling as her cheeks started to hurt.

The wedder said a few words and poppy and branch exchanged heartfelt vows that i'm too lazy to think of 😝.

Only a minute or two left of talking before they would be officially be wedded. They had already exchanged rings and spoke there i do(s). So close yet so far.

The wedder spoke,

"You too truly make the world cutest couple, and i'm sure i already know the answer but... Does anyone object to the marriage of queen poppy and branch Timberlake, if so speak how or forever hold your peace."

unexpected anyone to object they were about to continue just after a moment had passed of silence.

But then.

You could hear a raspy dehydrated voice call out.

I wonder who could that be!! Jk i already know but WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?💕💕 Hope you like it far! Leave a comment for maybe some advice or suggestions? 😝

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