(S:2) Chapter 12: Love

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Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry, enough of my talking here is the storyyy

Tw: Unhealthy Relationship

Branch paced around his bedroom, pondering ways he could make poppy understand the miscommunication and impeccable timing. 

What are the odds she walks in right at the moment. He thought tapping his finger on his chin comically.

A gift basket! That was a random thought, but she loves the gifts i give her! Perfect it will be perfect! The idea popped into his head light a light bulb suddenly flicked on.

Branch ran to his 'craft corner' a corner he had made for poppy when she come to visit/when she moved in. It was filled with scrapbooking materials and other various craft supplies. He got to work, grabbing a scrapbook he had started but hadn't finished as a result of one of their scrapbooking dates. (Lunadeww HEHHEHEEHE) He quickly started snipping away another sence for his scrapbook page.

He laid on his stomach kicking his feet while crafting away. I think i know why poppy loves scrapbooking so much. It's so calming. He thought to himself, and he licked a glue stick and rubbed it on a page. 

After a hour or two of him working on the best homemade basket for his wife, he was slumped on the dirty floor of his bunker. Still in the same position he was when he started. Completely asleep with scissors in his hand.

A figure could be seen in the extreme way from the elevator, now, on the same floor as branch. The troll stepped into the light looking around for the survivalist. 

They stepped into the light and just stopped when they found branch asleep with the gift basket nearby. 

Small sobs could be heard coming from the troll's mouth. 

He did all of this to apologize... to me. Poppy thought to herself her hand over her mouth as she cried happy tears into it.

She took small steps toward her husband a small smile creeping onto her face. She knew, before, that it was just bad timing... but from her past relationship... she thought to quickly of what i could (never) had been. 

She kept having to remind herself that he was and could never be creek. And creek could never be even on the same scale as branch. 

She knelt down to her sleeping love; her tears had ceased and only a plastered smile remained. She reached her hand out and cupped his cheek. 

"I don't deserve you." She thought aloud. Leaning down to peck his exposed cheek.

"He doesn't... I do." She heard the voice that sent shivers up her spine. 

"NO!" She yelped out loud spinning around to stand behind herself. Expecting to see the one troll she wanted to kill. She was met with a dirt wall. It was just a facade. It was her mind playing tricks on the poor traumatized girl.

She knelt back down placing her hand on branch's back. Feeling him stir from underneath her palm she turned her head back to look at the troll she loved more than the whole sky. 

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