(S:1)Chapter 5: Fear

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"H- hey creek." She squeaked.

"Hello my princess." The troll who shall not be named greeted. "I was actually going to look for you." He smirked stepped slowly closer to poppy as she backed away.

"You- You were?" Her voice got higher as more panic rushed in her gaze. "What ever for?" She asked having trouble holding her fight or flight response.

"Glad you asked!" He replied.

Poppy continued to back up but stopped when she hit something hard on her back where she couldn't back up anymore. She turned her head to see what she backed into. It was a tree. She was trapped with creek in front of her and a tree behind, her breath got heavy as she looked for an escape route.

"We haven't seen each other is such a long time. I was hoping we could catch up on our lives?" Creep said his sentence of why he was looking for the queen. "I have missed you." He finished.

"..." Poppy stayed silent her back flat against the bark of the tree. Clutching onto her arm letting her anxiety filter through her, she left a small bruise.

"Haven't you missed me?" Creep asked he voice calm.


"Well?" He got impatient his voice sounding frustrated, angry.

"You DID miss me. Right." What he asked wasn't a question but a demand.

Poppy with her planned escape route in her mind, she looked to her side. The only way out. She jerked to make an effort to leave the conversation. Only to be stopped by a strong arm.

Creek saw where poppy's eyes were headed and slammed his hands next to poppy on the tree behind her. She could not leave. She was trapped. Panic and petrifaction overwhelmed her. What will happen??!! I'm so scared! Where's branch?! Thoughts rushed around in her mind.

"Leaving so soon? We haven't even talked?" Creeps words were calm but feared. She felt his hands above dig into the moist bark of the tree.

 She felt his hands above dig into the moist bark of the tree

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(Ahhhh creek looks like shittttt) Hope yall like ittt!

He sighed and looked deep into poppy's petrified eyes. "I almost forgotten how beautiful you are up close, my princess." Creek took his right hand off the trunk of the tree and cupped poppy's chin. Poppy didn't dare move, Think... Think! Her eyes were wide her body frozen to his touch. Creeks grabbed her chin roughly and thrusted it forward. His passive aggressive expression turned purely aggressive.

"I FOUND YOU." His gaze turned psychotic. His voice low but Tariffing.

He forced poppy's chin to the side exposing her neck. His grip tightened around poppy's jaw.

Poppy whimpered in pain, feeling her skin bruise under his strong hands. A tear fell down poppy's face clenching her jaw to brace the pain.

Creek kept talking in a whisper, his breath on her neck made her shiver with fear.

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