(S:2)Chapter 11: Worry

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HEY EVERYONE! (I KNOW I POSTED THIS EARLY) It's season 2!!! I can't believe it's already season 2! This will be the last season of this story TwT 

But I have more story's I will write after this one<3 (Just haven't thought of any yet) 

Hope you all enjoy<333

TW: sensitive topics.

It was a peaceful night, not a bird or animal made a sound. Everyone that could be heard was asleep.

Queen poppy lied, asleep, on her bed in her pink round pod. She slept peacefully her chest rising up and down as she hugged a snuggle toy.

Her ears pricked forward, still asleep, when she heard a creak coming from outside her pod. She ignored it and continued to sleep peacefully.

Everything was silent once more before another sound could be heard outside her pod. She tried to ignore it, but it bothered her so much she forced her body to wake but kept her eyes close. She was aware that something, or someone, could be outside her pod and ready to attack her in her sleep. But in her thought process she would catch them off guard by being awake.

She heard the entrance to her pod open. 

Footsteps sounded walking towards poppy.

She couldn't help feeling aghast.

Then the troll or thing spoke.

"Hello. My princess."

She recognized the ghastly trolls voice anywhere; she shot her eyes open and tried to sit up.

She was stuck. She couldn't move. It's like she could only open her eyes. She was frozen on her bed.

She tried to yell, she tried to get up and ran away, but she was truly frozen to her bed. Fear filled her body as she stared at creek with horror. 

"Aw, my princess I'm afraid you are stuck. What an unlucky troll you are." Creek said softly caressed his hand on poppy's stiff cheek.

"What a lucky troll I am." He smiled his voice eerie.

She tried to sit up once more, almost forgetting that she was paralyzed. All she could do was look into creeks menacing gaze. 

"Shh, it'll all be over soon." Creek said drawing himself forward closer to poppy, still paralyzed on her bed. 

She shut her eyes tight. 

Then she opened them.

___Present Pov___

Poppy woke and sat up straight in her bed in a cold sweat.

"Wha..." She looked around her room confused and wondering where she was. 

"Just a dream..." She said out loud to herself. 

"Just... a dream." She repeated.

She sat on her bed moving her knees closer to her and hugged them, zoning out looking at nothing. 

What time is it? She thought. She looked at her hug time watch, and it was a quarter past 12 in the morning. Oh wow. I slept in. She thought.

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