(S:2) Chapter 15: Poppys

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I can't believe it is the last chapter! I may take a short break from Wattpad after this, but feel free to follow me in insta (ArtieLizzy) to be updated on new stories and art!

I do understand that this story is HIGHLY unrealistic for trolls, but, YOLO.

Enough yapping!

Its story time!

TW: Staged suicide.

Floyd can be seen resting in a hospital bed, though his injury was minor; his body couldn't focus on what truly happened and shut down. He was currently in a mental coma. He didn't speak, eat, and hardly slept. It was like the worst state of disbelief.

"Do you think he'll come to his senses soon?" A steel blue troll with a mellow husky voice asked the doctor.

"Sooner rather than later. He will need extensive physical and mental therapy after his incident." The doctor replied back. "We should discus that." She added.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Shirley, but I don't want to leave him here alone." He said with concern.

"I assure you he is in good hands Mr. Branch-." Dr. Shirley pressed on.

"I'll watch him!" A rainbow haired troll raised his hand to offer up his service.

"Boom? hm... alright just if he wakes-." Branch began.

"I'll send for you straight away!" Boom put his hand on branch's shoulder to reassurance.

"Okay, thank you I won't be long." Branch said exiting the room in which Floyd was stationed at and followed the doctor.

Boom walked over to the side of Floyds hospital cot and moved an empty chair towards his bedside. "You look peaceful, oddly enough." Boom said sitting down.

He then realized how creepy he just sounded, and as if Floyd was mentally present, he apologized. "Wait that sounded weird, you're obviously not at peace, but you look nice, even though you-... you know what I'm going to stop before I say anything else."

He moved his legs to awkwardly sit Criss cross in the chair, propping his elbows on Floyd's mattress.

"You know, you brother is a very bad liar, I don't think you can dislocate and break your wrist and 2 different spots by dancing. Though, if it is true, respect." Boom rested his head on his hands not taking his eyes of the 'sleeping' troll as he talked basically to himself.

"No one knows this, but I use to study troll health, before I joined the band and all." Boom talked to himself, closing his eyes for a little.

"I didn't want to leave, but I was just a very bad nurse. Like really bad, I use to have to dye my hair a dimmer tone and wear clothes to cover up my glitter, because I was 'too shiny'. Like I never wore clothes before I went into the troll health field, but I got so use to it, I never go out without clothes. It's as weird as it sounds." Boom laughed to himself because of his story, then paused folding his arms down and laying his head on them, as a pillow.

He almost fell asleep, with his head turned to Floyd, not keeping his eyes off him. For protection of course. No other reason.

As his eyes were on Floyd he studied the blue troll's body. There has to be some other clue on to what happened to you. He wondered. He squinted his eyes, working his way from his face towards his wrist. Then he noticed something. "Hm?" He saw his oddly shaped bruise... That shape looks like...

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