The Wrong Idea

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Carly's Birthday Outfit ^^^

Carly POV

Once I finished getting dressed and doing my morning duties, I walk into my room and see Audrey and Cayson jumping on my bed hitting each other with my teddy bears.

"You two get down right now!"

"Shut up Carwy!" Cayson told me.

I walk over to them and grab him by his arm. I mean, someone's gotta be the parent around here am I right?

"Listen... and I'm saying this nicely. After all I do for you, you will not disrespect me okay?" I let him go and he runs out of my room.

"Cam Cam Carwly huwt me!" I hear him screaming up and down the halls.

I turn around to look at Aud and her eyes bore into mine.

"You know for a person who wants to lay down and play dead all day you sure are dressed very nicely."

"Whatever Aud."

I turn to look into my mirror and adjust my outfit. Today I decided to wear my silk brown halter shirt that comes around my neck with my tanish brownish pants, gold watch, rings, bracelet, and earrings to match.

I got this outfit a while back when my mom was well enough to go out and pick something decent.

I turn back around to see Audrey looking at one of my teddy bears in disgust. The same one that Jake won for me at the state fair. And before you judge me about that don't act like you all don't keep something from your ex to remember them from.

"Why do you still have this?" She asks.

" Because its special and it means a lot to me." I retort.

She rolls her eyes as I walk over and snatch cuddles out of her hand and place him on the top shelf of my walk-in closet.

"C'mon lets go eat something I'm starving."

" Yea me too."

I follow her out of the room and down the stairs tripping in the process. We walk into the kitchen and I nearly died of laughter at what I saw.

"You (*laugh) look (*laugh) so (*laugh) stupid!"

I say to my brother in between laughs. I clutch my stomach and fall to the floor. Cameron stood in the middle of the kitchen floor with his batman underwear on from when he was like five, no shirt, and wearing a chef's hat.

He was using a spoon as a microphone and singing "I wanna know what love is."

"Oh shut up Carly. Your just jealous of all this," he says rubbing his hands all over his chest. I look up and see that Aud's face had turned beet red.

"Ahem," she coughs. Cameron's face becomes dead serious and his eyes get wide when he realized that Audrey has been standing there the whole time.

"Oh umm, Aud... Hey," he says. They just stare into each others eyes while I lay on the floor looking back and forth between them. I swear it's like skinny love between those two.

(A\N skinny love is when two people like eack other and they are two shy to admit it but they show signs of it. Just in case you guys didn't know. Alright now back to the story.)

I get up and dust off my pants.

"It's pretty obvious that you two are in love so I really don't know why you just won't admit it," I tell them.

"Shut up Carly," they say in unison

"Oh Carly, shut up and stop saying what's true." I say mocking them.

I walk over to the stove and see that Cameron made me breakfast.

"Awww thanks bro I knew you had a heart." I say while reaching for bacon.

He slaps my hand.

"No, no this is all for me." I look at him and my eyes began to water. I know that sounds stupid but when it comes to food, this momma don't play.

"Geez gall I was just kidding." He hugs me tightly while saying Happy birthday in my ear. I push him off and he stumbles and bumps into Audrey. They both fall to the floor and Cameron gets up quickly, extending his hand out to help her up.

They are both beet red now and I can't help but smile at how cute they are. Cameron scratches his neck nervously.

"Umm I'm just gonna umm go and umm get dressed. Carly we're going to the carnival no matter what you say."And with that he turned and exited the kitchen.

I turn to Audrey who is sitting at the island and raise a questioning brow at her.

" Sooooo you and my brother ehh?"

She huffs in frustration and cross her arms.

"Noooo do you not listen to a word I tell you? Best friends don't date each others brothers," she yells to me waving her hands dramatically in the air. "You've got the wrong idea."

"The wrong idea? Yeah sure okay. But two years from now when your waddling around with his children inside of you, I get to say I told you so."

She gets up from the island, grabs some scissors, and began to chase me. We run around the entire house until I finally give up and fall onto the living room floor. She lies next to me and we both burst into laughter.

When we settle down she turns to me and I sit up.

"What's wrong?"

Her eyes begin to water up. I swear she can be so bi-polar at times.

"Truth is, I really do have a thing for your brother." I start to say something but she puts her hand up silencing me.

"I've always liked Cameron and its gotten even stronger since the day he saved me." She began bursting into tears now and I reached over to hug her tightly.

"It's okay. I promise it is. Cameron feels the same way about you he just doesn't like to talk about feelings and stuff like that, that's all. We just sit there for a while staring at nothing until I break the silence.

" Hey where is Cayson?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah I haven't seen your mom... either."
Her voice drifted off on that last part. We both turn to each other with wide eyes.

Uh oh. This can't be good. I think to myself.

Oooooo cliffhanger!!! And that completes chapter 2 you guys!!!

Til next time

~ D&D

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