Catching Up

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Carly's POV

I embraced my father deeply. I cried in his arms extremely loud and he rubbed small circles in my back. I'm not sure how long we stayed that way, but I do know that this is the best moment of my life. I've been awaiting this for so long to the point where it feels almost...unreal. I continued to hug him but it was then that I remembered the pain, the hurt, my mother's death, and everything else that his disappearance has put our family through.

"It's okay baby girl," he whispered in my ear.

"Why? Why did you leave u-

"Shhh let's talk inside." I let him in and closed the door. I followed him into the living room and we both sat on the sofa.

"I had to leave, Carly. As a father, and a husband I couldn't bare to see my family being murdered and me left to watch and die afterwards. All along I've been watching over you and everyone else. This place is wired with cameras and a security system. Your cars have trackers on them. I wouldn't just leave if I wasn't sure that you'll be safe and protected. Carly, I left because I love you. I love you, and Cameron and Cayson and Katherine.

"M-mom is d-dead." I told him. He closed his eyes, leaned back, and took deep breaths.

"I know. She sent a letter to my P.O. box telling me. I tried to stop her, Carly I did. But it was too late. Before I could get here from Italy, she was already gone." I looked at my father. I know that my mom's death was hard on him. I laid my head on his shoulder and inhaled his scent that I haven't smelled in so long.

"She also mentioned something about us having a daughter? Caitlyn I think it is." I smiled sadly thinking of Caitlyn. She often told me her fantasies about meeting our dad. In her mind, he would pick her up, spin her around, and tell her how much he loved her.

"Yes. Caitlyn has been living with us which I'm sure you already know. She loves you very much and she's never even seen you a day in her life." He chuckled at my statement and for the first time in a long time I smile a real smile.

"Well I guess you can't be the baby girl anymore." I rolled my eyes playfully. When I was younger, I never wanted my mom to have another girl. I always wanted to be the only one that dad could call his favorite little girl. When I found out that mom was pregnant with another boy, I was soo elated.

"Caitlyn is a true blessing dad. She's the one that restored my hope all this time. With her childlike faith, she reminded me everyday that you were coming home."

"She reminds me of you when you were younger." My dad stated. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his chest. We stayed that way for a while until he broke the silence.

"I sent Alexander to Rome for work. He told me everything that happened. When I told him that I was coming back, he knew that that was going to make you happy again." I closed my eyes at the sound of his name. I miss Alex but I think it might be time for me to move on. I mean he's been gone for what 4 or 5 months now?

"My happiness with Alexander was short lived, dad. He is an amazing guy but I guess everything happens for a reason right?"

"That's right Carly. I saw how hurt you were and I didn't want you to end up like-

"Dad?" In the doorway stood Cameron with Aud, Cay and Caitlyn behind him.

"That's my daddy?" Cay said. He dropped his ice cream on the floor and ran to him. Dad picked him up and Cay wrapped his arms around his neck. Aud and Cam came up next and embraced my father. We were all laughing and joking around just like old times.

"Well, Well, Well. Looks like I taught you well son," Dad said referring to Aud's pregnant belly.  They both blushed and looked down.


"Thank you."

I smiled and started to say something until I head loud sobs coming from the living room entrance. There Caitlyn stood crying. I looked at her weirdly until I realized that my dad didn't greet her like she planned. All this time she's been standing patiently in the corner waiting for him. She ran upstairs and I followed her.

 "Caitlyn wait baby girl." I went into her room and she was lying face down on her bed.

"Daddy doesn't love me."

"That's not true Caitlyn. He just didn't know how to react. When he first saw me when I was born, he wasn't sure what to do so he left the hospital room and fainted right there Caitlyn!" She turned over and giggled.

"While I was screaming and crying he was on the floor trying to regain consciousness!" She laughed even more and I tickled her. I heard a knock  on the door and shortly after, dad came in.

"What are my girls laughing about?" I got up and walked to him.

"I'll leave you two alone." I left the room but stood outside of the door to listen. Dad sat on Caitlyn's bed and put her on his lap. He hugged her tightly and kissed her all over her face like he used to do me when I was younger. She giggled and kissed him back on his cheek.

"I love you sooo much Caitlyn. Don't you ever forget that okay? You are going to grow up nice, strong, and beautiful just like your mother and big sister okay?" She bit her bottom lip and smiled.

"Okay daddy." They talked some more and that's when I decided to leave. I walked into my room with a different perspective on life. If something good leaves you for good whatever that good thing was, wasn't meant for you. But if it leaves and return, it was destined for you to cherish. To keep.

Shorter chapter but a happier one. Or maybe it was sad to you. What do you think? Will Carly move on? Or will she and Alex work things out? And their dad is finally back woohoooo!!!!

 Thank you guys once again for reading. Don't forge to comment, vote, and follow us.

Till Next Time Loves,


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