Let's Take A Trip

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Carly's POV

"I'm bored."

"I'm hungry."

"Me too."

We all sat in the living room dying of boredom. Cayson and Caitlyn were sitting on the floor poking each other and Audrey and Cameron were sitting on the couch while he massaged her feet. As for me, I was texting Alexander and he was telling me about the time he got his first chest hair. He was soo excited but his mom made him cut it off because she thought that it looked stupid.He cried that night because he was gonna show it to a girl that he liked.

Alex: "Sooo wyd now?"

Me: "Nothing much." 

I fiddled with my phone a bit and began thinking. Now that he brought up his mom, I realized that I haven't met her yet. Neither did I properly  meet his dad. I've told Alex nearly everything about me but he's been so guarded lately.

Me: "When can I meet your fam?"

He didn't respond for a while and I started to get anxious.

Alex: ''mmm why?"

Me: "What do you mean why? I've told you everything about me and you met my family so why can't I meet yours?"

5 minutes passed and he didn't respond.

Me: "I'm sorry Alex I didn't mean to sound so rude I just wanna meet them. That's all."

Alex: "Well...Umm okay I can try to schedule a dinner tonight if that's okay with you."

He sent me a wink emoji. 

Me: "Perfect."

Alex: " K. I'll pick you up at 7:00."

I put my phone down and sighed.

"Hey didn't you guys mom say that she left you property in San Diego?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well we can stay there. It will be soo much fun c'mon please?!"

"No Aud, your pregnant self can't even get on a plane!"

"Well we can take a family road trip. It's only 29 hours and 48 mins away.

"Hell naw. I cant even spend a good 30 min being stuck in the same house with my siblings. No way I'm spending that long in a car."

"Whatever Carly. I just looked it up and it actually is safe for me to fly. I'm only 14 weeks and I'm not high risk. If I was 36 weeks, then I wouldn't be able to go," I thought about it for a minute and then sat up.

"Okay let's go then."



I sat in my bed and bit my lip. It's 6:45 and Alex is on his way. I began to think negative thoughts that I tried so hard to keep at the back of my mind.

"Carly? Cam and I just finished booking our flight and- Girl you look hot! Are you taking me out to dinner or something? Why are you so fancy tonight?"

I laughed at Aud and stood up.

"I'm going to meet Alex's family." I looked down and sighed a heavily sigh.

"Well that's great right?"

"I mean I guess but Aud what if they don't like me?"

"Look Carly. You don't have time for "What if's. If I spent my life "What ifing we wouldn't be friends, I wouldn't be dating your brother, neither would I be having his kids. Alex likes you a lot Carls. You just have to get that through that thick brain of yours."

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