I'm Not Ready Yet

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Pic Of Logan ^^^

Carly's POV

Logan and Carmen smiled at each other. They began to speak in some language and I awkwardly stood there and stared at this ant that was crawling on the floor. I stepped on him and he turned over on his back and his feet were in the air. I laughed aloud and Logan, his mother, along with some other people all gave me questioning looks.

I pretended to be on my phone until they turned back to me.

"Sweetie do you need a ride home?"

"Yes ma'am if you don't mind.

"Of course not. Let's go." Carmen sped walk in front of us leaving Logan and I by ourselves. I turned to him and smiled.

"What language do you guys speak?"

"My mom speaks creole and I speak both creole and Spanish."

"Cool. So is she of that ethnicity?"

"Yup. She's creole and African American. My dad is Canadian." We walked in silence until we got into the car. Logan sat in the drivers seat and Carmen made me sit in the passengers seat. What is that woman up to?

"Okay Carly. Stalker question of the day. Where do you live?"

I laughed at Logan and told him my address. Shortly after, we pulled into my driveway. I looked outside to see Cayson and Caityn playing with each other in the front yard while Aud watched them.

"Carly? Oh great it is you!" Aud sped walked to the car.

"Dinner is almost ready and you can invite the cute guy next to you and the nice woman in the back as well." Before I could say anything she waddled back into the house. I looked at Logan and he smiled.

"We would love to stay for dinner. Right mom?"

"Oh yes son of course!" We all got out of the car and Cayson ran up to me.

"Hey Carly did you buy me that new Batman toy that I saw on TV?" he looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry bud. I forgot."

"I think that I may have something for ya." We both turned to Logan and Cayson ran to his side.

"Do you really?"

"I think so. Let's take a look." He went around the car and to his trunk. When he opened it, he pulled out the very same Batman toy that Cayson asked for.

"Thank you so much!" Cayson hugged Logan's legs, took the toy, and ran into the house.

"How'd you know?"

"I didn't. I have a younger brother but he told me that he was too young for action figures. He's four by the way."

I laughed for the 10th time today before realizing that I was knd of acting like those girls who laugh at everything a cute guy says just to get his attention. My smile faded a bit as I led everyone into the house.

"Welcome to this place I call home." Walking into the kitchen, I saw my dad with an ice pack on his head. I held in my laugh and walked to his side.

"Are you okay dad?" he looked at me evilly.

"I just got attacked by wild women. How do you think I feel?"

"Well excuse me for asking geez." He slowly put his ice pack down and his eyes met someone else's. I focused my gaze on where he was looking and it was then that I realized that he and Carmen were in an intense eye lock. I don't quite believe in love at first sight, but these two just may have changed my mind.

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