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Pic of Audrey ^^

We would like to dedicate this chapter to our character Audrey Circelli. This is her story.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither shall there be any more pain:for the former things are passed away."
-Revelation 21:4

Audrey's POV

Shock. Yup that's about right. I did not expect Cam to do that.

"Hey Aud," Carly says


"I told you so."

"Yeah well guess what Carly. I'm not pregnant."

"Not yet" she tells me.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. Cameron looks at us in amusement.

"What conversation did you two have that I wasn't apart of?" he asks when we stop at a red light.

"Oh it was nothing just...nope nothing," I tell him.

This ride is by far the most awkward car ride I have ever been in. I look in the backseat and see that Cay and Carly are both asleep. Great now it's even worse.

I turn on the radio to ease the tension and "This is Love" by For King & Country plays.


"You got me thinking oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this is love this is love this is love that I'm feeling. I'll kiss you only-"

Cam laughs and I quickly turn the radio off. How ironic was it that a love song decided to play?

The rest of the ride was silent. Just Cam sneaking glances at me and then me pretending not to notice. When we get home, I decide that I'm going to stay the night with Carly.

There was A LOT I have to tell her and I believe that she's got some explaining to do herself.

I go into the bathroom and get ready for bed. I touch my lips and tap my fingers on the bathroom sink. As of now, I'm really having second thoughts about Cameron. I mean, I've liked him ever since I was like, what seven?

The day that I crawled through Carly's window and welcomed her, she ran away from me. That was also the day I met Cam.


"Wait come back don't go," I yelled after her. She ran into the basement where her father and I'm guessing her brother were fixing something. She ran behind her dad.

"Daddy she crawled through my window and she won't leave me alone!"

"C'mon hun be nice. What's your name sweetie?" He asked me.

"Hi or hey! I'm Audriana or you can just call me Aud or Audrey whichever you like best. I came here to say welcome!" I began to spin around, say welcome, and do my dance again.

"See Daddy she keeps doing that!" Carly says.

I continue to spin but I'm soon stopped by someone. I look up and my hazel eyes meet green ones.

"Don't spin," he says. You'll get dizzy."

"Can I touch your hair?"

Flashback over

And those were my first words to him. I was only seven and he was ten when I told him that I loved him, but he rejected me and told me that I had cooties. My heart was broken and I cried. I know, crazy right?

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