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Audrey's POV

I sat up in the hospital bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I looked over and saw my babies sleeping inside of their incubators.

I walked over to them and stuck my finger inside of the little hole. Carmen squeezed it gently and a tears began to fall from my eyes.

"I promise to love you both with all my heart. You are mine and I am yours for as long as I live. You will never go hungry or ask for anything and expect me not to give it to you. We have a bond now. An unbreakable one. And even though your dad acts like he's 2 sometimes, I'm pretty sure that you'll love him as well."

"What she really means is that you'll love me more and that I just do crazy things to make her happy."

Cameron came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You should be resting my love. We have to spend the next 3 days here so we might as well get comfortable."

"Whatever Cam."

"You might want to choose your words wisely mi amour (my love) because if I decide to chase you, you can't run this time."

My eyes went big.

"Cameron don't you da-

Carly's POV

I stared at the night sky in awe. It was a beautiful night and the stars were shining brightly.

I got out of my bed to go get a glass of milk. When I opened my door, smoke filled my nostrils and I could see fire."

My whole body froze and my heart began to beat uncontrollably.

"The house is on fire." I said quietly to myself. Even though I said it out loud, it was still hard for me to believe. I pinched my arm as hard as I could. Nope. This is definitely not a dream. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pajama pocket and that's when I heard screams.


"Cayson? Caitlyn!" I ran to their room but while on my way there, I saw through the smoke the letters that my mom wrote us. They were on fire and there was nothing that I could do to save them.

I walked into Cay and Caitlyn's room and shut the door behind me.

"Where are you guys?"

"We're in here Carly." I opened their closet and they ran to me. I guess we're gonna have to have another lesson on what to do in a fire.

"Stay close to me okay?" I opened the door and flames arose and blocked the way. I quickly shut it back and that's when I began to panic.

"The window Carly the window!"

"We're too high u-

I looked in the corner and saw a rope. That's when I got an idea. I grabbed the rope and tied it to the bed post. I opened the window and threw the rope down.

Cayson began to cough extremely hard and I forgot that he has bad asthma. We have to leave now.

"Cayson get on my back and Caitlyn get on the front of me." They both got on and I checked once more to make sure that the rope was secure.

I climbed over the window ceil and looked down.

"You guys do not let go." I slid down the rope and my hands burned from it.

We landed on the ground and started running towards the front of the house. Cayson and Caitlyn ran in front of me and I began to slow down.

"C'mon Carly C'mon!l they yelled. I know that it was them but their voices became more and more distant with every step I took.

All I remember was that I made it to the front lawn and collapsed to the ground.

End of Chapter 20

Next update will be on Monday. Have a good weekend peeps!!!

Till Next Time Loves,


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