Chapter 3: Mario's Challenge

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A/N: This going to be a Sora oriented one with Sora taking over Meggy's role in this story's version of Mario's Challenge. Since there is a TV tropes page on composite characters with Sora being in Christopher Robin's role in the 100 Acre Wood in most of the Kingdom Hearts games, and shared Bootstrap Bill's role with Donald, Goofy, and Joshamee Gibbs in the Carribean in Kingdom Hearts 3. I've also included in some special guests into the mix. Okay, now on to the chapter.


(September 2, 2017)

It's a lovely day in the Mushroom Kingdom, with a crowd of people surrounding a tall structure, with Mario standing atop it.

Mario: WELCOME you sexy fans to... Mario's Challenge!

A flying tv screen that shows Mario's head appeared in front of everyone, consisting of Bob SMG4, Toad, Sora, the Wario Bros, Bowser, and SMG3.

Mario (tv screen): Hello contestants! Welcome to Mario's ultimate challenge! Over 100 of you have been chosen to go through my castle to try and reach the top!

Toad: Hey! Where's my free money?

Wario: YEAH! You said you'd have free money here!

Mario (tv screen): I have something even better!

Tellytubby Po:

Mario (tv screen): No, it's not that.

???: Maybe a lifetime supply of beer!

???#2: No Boomstick, it's not beer.

Boomstick: Aw sh!t Wiz, there goes my hopes for beer. I hope it be some new guns.

Wiz: Tell me about it and were only here for this as guest commentators, not competitors.

Mario (tv screen): I forgot to mention that I've invited in the hosts of Death Battle. What's their names again, Jizz and Broomstick?

Boomstick: For the love of God, let me do the introductions for us commentators here. (grabs a radio from his pocket and press play on the music)

Wiz: We're well known on the classic matchups between fiction's best characters and make them fight to the death.

Boomstick: From the classics like Mario vs. Sonic and Goku vs. Superman, to even the most recent fight between Balrog and TJ Combo. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle! But today, it's our job to commentate on this challenge that Mario have made for everyone. There are some challengers like everyone's favorite meme lord SMG4.

SMG4 (offscreen): Oh my god, I've been mentioned by some cyborg scientist.

Boomstick: The scheming Wario Bros, with their many crazy tricks up their sleeves including... Hey wait minute! They stole my wallet yesterday!

Wario Bros. (offscreen): Aw sh!t, he figured it out!

The Wario Bros. throws Boomstick's wallet at the weapons expert's face. Despite the pain, he's happy about it with Wiz facepalming with his organic hand, but he kept reading the list.

Wiz: SMG3, the archenemy of SMG4 who's tries to plagiarize the YouTuber's videos. Have you ever heard of making an original video sir.

SMG4 (offscreen):

SMG4: Of Keys and Ink; A Crystal Spletzer x Kingdom Hearts Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें