Chapter 7: Christmas 2017: Meggy's X-mas Discovery/A Return to the Heart

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A/N: Oh boy, this is going to be a festive one. This maybe a Christmas chapter, but I know it's not Christmas at the time I've posted this chapter but have fun reading this one.


(December 23rd, 2017)

As the starry night sky glittered in the sky, it was clear to all that Christmas was approaching.

At the Mario Bros. house, a sign stood on the front lawn reading "Please give me extra presents Santa! -Mario." Inside the house, Luigi was laughing as he prepared the Christmas tree.

Luigi: Oh yeah! Mario, are you done with the fireplace?

Unfortunately, Mario's version of decorating the fireplace involved putting a plate of cookies and a bear trap under it.

Mario: Haha! Now Santa will have to give me more presents now! :D

Luigi sighed in exasperation.

Mario: You're just-a-jealous that Mario is gonna get more presents than you! :D

The doorbell rang, Mario ecstatic.

Mario: Santa!

Running to the front door with a friendly greeting. His eyes quickly bulged out of his skull however, jumping back with a scream as Luigi panicked.

Meggy walked through the door, holding the fussy Crystal as Mario grabbed a chair as a weapon.

Meggy: (laughing) Mario, she's not gonna hurt you!

Mario: (puts down the chair) Tell that to Mario's still aching back!

Curious, she looked up the Christmas tree in curiosity while Crystal looked at it in wonder. Like her namesake, her eyes sparkled.

Meggy: Oh?... are you having guest over?

Luigi came over, holding a Santa doll in his hands.

Luigi: No! What do you think we're doing silly?

Meggy: Uhh... worshiping some fat old hobo?

Luigi: Oh yeah- (JonTron voice) What!?

(minute marks 1:05 to 1:11)

Meggy: Wait, isn't that the thing Sora mentioned a few times before? Since I still don't know what K-Krim-mus is exactly.

Luigi: Wait... You don't know what Christmas is?! Christmas is a time for joy! A time for spreading happiness for everyone in the world!

Mario kicked Luigi out of the way.


Meggy: Oh... I don't think we celebrate Christmas back in Inkopolis. Now I feel bad that Crystal has never heard of it...

Mario: Mario can show you two what Christmas is all about! :D

Grabbing Meggy by the hand, he started to drag the two out of the house, only to be halted by Luigi.

Luigi: Mario, you better not be taking them to a toy store!



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