Chapter 26: Happiness

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The sun hit me like a smack in the face again, it seeped in as if it really wanted to wake me up like saying hey hello it's morning!!! "Mmmm" I murmur as I roll over to the other side, extending my hand and feeling something and that something was not my pillow. My eyes flash open and I see Justin Bieber lying, sleeping sounding, right next to me. I gasp, but then last night's events flash back to me as quickly as they happened. Justin. Vampire hunters. Blood. I sit up, pull of the covers and climb off the bed and slowly leave the room. Downstairs the tv is on, and it's the news: "Last night a terrible tragedy has occurred. Canadian pop-star sensation Justin Bieber has been found dead or believed to be dead, his blood was spilled all over....." I walked back into the bedroom and close the door. I turn and look down at peacefully sleeping Justin. His hair ruffled in a sexy messy way.

His lips moved a bit, his arms across my pillows and holding one of them. He looked pretty alive to me. I sigh and decide to just sit in my love seat instead of going back to bed. I stare at him, is he happy? I ask this to myself. If he had never met me this would have never happened, he would still be living his life as a star. I look away and walk towards the balcony, I quietly open it and look out into the woods, the ones I've learned to hunt in and run in. The ones I now live near by. Am I happy this way? Am I happy a vampire?

Before all I wanted was to be human again, to not be considered a monster. But now I notice as I watch the sun rise higher and higher, that I am happy in this new life but is he going to be happy too? "Bloom I am" I quickly turn around and see him standing in front of me, shirtless and with only boxers. Damn he looks hot even when he's just out of bed. He smirks as if he knew what I just thought, then I remember the bond, and blush bright red, "oops you didn't need to know that" I murmur embarrassed.

He laughs a cute laugh and steps towards me, and strokes my cheek, "you woke me up with all your worrying about my happiness" he whispered, I blush even more, his smile becomes a full on 'I know I'm sexy smile'. I smack him, cocky bastard, I think to myself and he grins even wider. I walk past him and jump into my bed, "you took my pillows","you didn't respond to what I just said" he says smoothly, "I'm happy","but your life you left behind-","I rather be alive then dead" he says in a matter of fact voice.

"I guess" I say wary, he smiles a cute smile, "I'm happy that I get to be with you, that's all I ever wanted and now I have it all" he says, he sits beside me, scoops me up into his lap. I look up at him meeting his honey brown eyes that have not lost their sparkle. I smile as his brings his lips down to meet mine........


We both walked hand in hand together through the forest my plan was to teach him how to hunt, but I decided on this lesson first. We had walked all the way along the river, which had led to the cliff. I turn to Justin, he smiles as he looks out, "Justin","yes?","remember one thing for me","yes whatever you want","remember that you are not a monster and that you forever will remain you" he looks at me sadly, "why I already know that". I stare down at the floor, "I felt like a monster when I first got turned...honestly I sometimes still do","no" he said as he takes a step closer to me, "your no monster your more human than humans, though I must confess I am afraid of the whole blood drinking" he says wary, I smile.

"Look come" I wave to the sea. He turns looking at me, "this is where I started to feel human, I've always loved the ocean and everything about this place makes me feel like me and you should to","but how" he asks wary. I smile, "do what you like to do most in the world","I love to perform and sing" I smile a sad smile and then it brightens when a thought comes to mind, "then sing, sing for me " I whisper.

He smiles as he looks thoughtfully, I take his hand and pull him closer towards the cliffs edge, "just a fraction of your love, fillllss the aaaiiirre when I fall in love with you all ovveeerrr again...." he sings against my ear as we both jump of and dive into the ocean water....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*months later*

I walk down towards the alter with Carlisle on my right side. I tried my best not to trip in these tiring heels or step on this gorgeous white dress. When Justin first proposed to me I was honestly speechless.

I lay on his naked chest stunned by how sexy Justin is. I was no longer a virgin after this night we spent together. He made love to me, and his touch had been electric and his kisses had sent me to heaven, and right now all I wanted was to lay with him forever. "Bloom","hmmm" I say as I'm dozing off, he places me off him, gently putting me on the pillow, he pulls on his boxers and grabs his something from the pocket of his jeans. It was a box.

I reached to cover my naked body with the blankets as he got on one knee and opened the box, "Bloom I want to spend the rest of my life with you as your soul mate.....please will you marry me?" He looked and said it nervously. I stared at him stunned. A proposal? I'm only 15, yet I'm stuck 15 forever. I looked into his eyes and smiled, "yes I'll marry you" I handed him my hand, he took it with a smile and places the diamond ring into my finger where I had had his promise ring...........

I smile more brightly as we come closer and I meet Justin's gaze. Carlisle hands me over to Justin, I turn to face everyone here, the Cullen's, the Salvatore's, Jacob, Anthony, Fernando, and even Zayne. I turn back to meet Justin's, he looks so damn sexy in his suit like frickin Christian Gray. We turned to finally meet the priest and the ceremony began. "Bloom Andrea Salvatore do you take Justin Drew Bieber as your loftily wedded husband?","i do","Justin Drew Bieber do you take Bloom Andrea Salvatore as your loftily wedded wife","i do" he says with a bad boy smile. "Then now you may kiss the bride" and with that he scoops me up and gives me a passionate kiss worthy of making out but I knew that right now was not the time to wish to have my dress removed. Despite having to break our kiss, I had an amazing time at the party. I knew this is who I want to spend the rest of my life with, I love him. And for the first time ever I was truly full of happiness.

*********to be continued*************

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