Chapter 15: Doppelgänger

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*🚹POV: Bloom*

The next day was sadly a school day, so I woke up as soon as the alarm rang. I grabbed a pair of skinny khakis and a purple collared shirt and my white Roxy hoodie and took a quick shower. I dressed and did my hair deciding to leave it down, but made sure my hair was not dyed in blonde like some days. I tied my black Converse and packed my backpack with my phone. "Can I come in?" said Edward's voice from behind the door, "uh huh" I mumbled. He stepped in ready and dressed to take me to school. He walked and sat on my undone bed, "we need to talk","about what?" I ask. He narrows his eyes, "you know about what, about yesterday","there's nothing to talk about yesterday" I murmured as emotionless as I could.

"Then why did you-","stop Edward, please I don't want to talk about this" I looked painfully at him. He got up and nodded, "alright, Ill be waiting in the car" with that he left without another word. I sighed and sat on my bed, "if I knew what was going on, then maybe I could tell you Edward" I whispered after he left. How could I tell him what happened yesterday if I didn't even know what was going on myself? I sighed and looked at the clock, it was early after all. I left my backpack and knocked at Carlisle's door.

He opened it, "yes?","can we talk?" I asked, he nodded and motioned towards his office. I walked in and sat at the couch, he sits on a love seat in front of me. "Yes? what's wrong?" he asked, I look down, "something happened yesterday and I can't explain it","explain it as best as you can" he replied gently. I nod, "ok so yesterday I went to the Justin Bieber concert right?" he nodded, "well later I got invited to a cafe with him, and he told me something I don't understand","yes?" he asked. "I told you before about my dreams and this all Stefan and Damon thing, well it turns out that Justin Bieber was having the same dreams I've been having" he frozen, he practically looked like a porcelain statue.

"Well I've been looking in on this with the two brothers of yours" he said slowly, "and well those dreams are not exactly dreams....there your past life","past life?" I asked questionably, "well sort of, your a doppelgänger","doppelgänger?" I raised a brow. "There was person back in the 16 century that was you, her name was Carolina Bloom Salvatore, and those dreams your having were from that past life, meaning your old life" I stare blankly at him. "And well apparently Justin Bieber must have been part of your past back then" I look at him and shake my head, "this can't be" he nods, "it connects perfectly and makes sense" I sigh.

"It's time for school, I have to go" he nods as I stand up to leave. "Bloom, be careful ok?" I turn to meet his caring expression, I could read his aura and I could see his affection for me, he thought of me as that daughter he never had. I smile a sad smile, "I will" I then go and hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Carlisle, dad" with that I left without another look back. I hurried back to room, grabbing my backpack and rushing back out the door, it was late now. I hop in into the car and Edward started the car. "Bloom" he murmured as he drove, I turned to meet his face that was distant. "Yeah?" I whispered, he sighed and stopped the car, leaving us off the road. He turned to face me, he takes my hands into his, "I can't help it anymore","wha?" I whisper surprised at his touch.

He closes his eyes then looks back into mine, "I don't know when this started, maybe it was that day I found you or maybe it was the day we kissed...." he sighed, "but I think I'm in love with you" my eyes widen, "I don't know what it is about you though, maybe it's the way you hold on to your humanity maybe it's the life in you" he shook his head, I looked him in the eyes, "I actually thought you hated me","no it's the opposite" he started the car again, "so everything worries me about you, be careful Bloom, your not just a vampire your different", "I know" I whispered back and with that an uncomfortable silence set in between us.

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