Chapter 7: All He Sees

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The day went by quickly. People would talk to me at school but no one really became my friend. At nutrition and lunch I spent it behind the soccer fence with iPod on. Even in the rain I still hung out there. I tried to keep my distance from Fernando, but I have him in every class. He talks to me a lot, but there's something in his eye that catches my attention, that makes my heart ache. He watches me a lot, and I try to avoid his gaze. But today as the rain began to pour, I see him watching me as I made my way towards the back of the fence.

     He follows me there, and I feel when his presence is right beside me, his aura glows in a gold and rosy color towards me. He has an umbrella and covers me, "hey","hey" I repeat. "What are you doing here by yourself'?" he asks, I shrug, "I hang out here", "by yourself?", "yeah" I whisper. He sits beside me and looks at my face, "what's your name","Ka-","your real name please, not the fake one that your making up on the spot" that makes me turn to face him. He reaches over, strokes my cheek, "tell me your name" just by the touch of his hand I could feel the pounding of his heart.

      I close my eyes, looking down, "I'm Bloom" his eyes widen, "you mean Bloom from Alphia!?" I nod, he turns away and faces forward, "I knew it, I knew you didn't die, but how? How did you survive?" he asks as he turns back to face me, I stare off into the distance, emotionless I murmur. "I didn't survive......I did die", "then how can you be here?....they were sure you would be dead..." he whispers, I nod, "Don't you even see the change in me?" I ask, he turns and narrows his eyes to get a good look at me.

       He shakes his head, "nope all I see is you, Bloom, the same crazy, beautiful girl I've always loved" my eyes look wary at him, those words would have made me happy to hear if it wasn't for the circumstances we were in. "Is Anthony....alive?" he asks slowly, I nod, "he a way....ok look" I take his hands he looks deeply into my eyes, "first tell me why you aren't in Alphia anymore","because of what happened, parents think it's a dangerous place now" he says, "now what, tell me now" he says, I take a deep breath.

      If he still sees the same person I was, then its ok to tell him what really happened right? I sigh, "do you want to know what really happened?" he nods, I take a deep breath, "I told you I did died" he nods, "well I did die.....and the only way I'm alive right now is because......I'm a vampire" I say at last, "I was found by normal vampires, a guy found me and took me in, the only way to bring me back.....was biting me and turning me into a vampire" I murmur, I turn to look at him.

        He looks mesmerized, he doesn't look at me and looks at the ground, "and Anthony? is he one too?" I shake my head, "he's a werewolf" he keeps staring at the ground, I look away, "I understand if you also don't want to be near a monster like Anthony I get it-" I don't get to finish because Fernando throws his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "I don't care what you are" he whispers against my ear, "I'm just glad that your alive, here and alive" he says with a smile. Tears well up in my eyes and I throw my own arms around him. We hold each other there for a while until the rain cleared away, but we were already wet  by the time it stopped.

     We laugh as we let go, he unties my hair and lets it fall down behind my back, its wet like our clothes, he pulls a strand behind my ear, we smile at each other....then the bell rings. "Ah!! But we're wet" he says, I laugh, "I know wait" I say and I touch his shirt, the shirt becomes warm and his whole body and clothes begin to dry, his eyes widen, "how?" I shrug, "one of those magical things about vampires, oh wait" I hold his hand as the bell rings, "I need you to keep this secret, you can't let anyone about me, at least not that I'm a....", "I get you, I won't but promise me one thing?" I nod, "anything" he smiles, "don't ever scary me like that again" I nod.

      With that, we rush off, grab our backpacks, laughing and smiling, heading to class. Now I wasn't alone, and beside him, with his warm smile and glow, I know I can make it, I know I can live in this new world.

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