Chapter 21: Throbbing

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*🚹POV: Bloom*


Time goes by pretty quick as I adjusted to my new life here with Justin. He's always busy during the day, but at night it's where we have our fun. And there's those days where he's not busy and all we do is talk and laugh. When I'm beside him, I can't help but feel my heart ache, as if it were telling me something. Nothing bad has happened and I still remember nothing. I don't know what danger I'm hiding from, but I'm pretty sure this peace won't last long.


No sunshine wakes me up, the sound of thunder does though. I bolt, sitting, breathing hard and heavy, grasping my neck. My throat was throbbing. It was as if I was in a desert with no water, it hurt I could barely breath. I got up from bed, and slowly lean against the bed, closing my eyes wishing the pain to go away. But only the pain got stronger. A painful never ending thirst, cuz boy am I thirsty. Since I got here, I haven't eaten or drank anything, I pretended too. Food doesn't attract my attention. I get up, taking use of the wall, as I lean and walk against it out the door. I crawl towards the stairs, feeling the pain worsen.

"I....I.....i" I whisper, my vision began to blur a little. When I open my eyes again, I felt weird. My mind was set on one thing: get rid of my thirst. My body feels strong, my eyes more awake with enhanced vision. I rushed down the stairs with inhuman speed, heading to the kitchen. I could sense my prey.....i walk into the kitchen and see a maid cooking a chicken, putting it into the oven. She turns to me with a smile, "hello ma'm, can I get you something","yes you can" my voice goes velvety, gentle.....compelling. She eyes with a look of terror at first and slowly turned into a dreamy gazed.

"I want you...come to me" I say gently, and she walks zombie like towards me. I lick my lips and plunge my teeth into her neck, she lets out a squeal of pleasure as soon as the endorphins kick in. I could see all her life flash before my eyes, every piece of it like a movie on replay. I can feel her life source, her spirit as I drink from her. And then I hear someone cuss, "wtf" and some strong guy hangs pull me away. I hiss and snarl at him, until I realize who it is. Justin, stood there tall and handsome as ever, with a look of true horror in his face. My eyes go wide as I look at the women on the floor. I go down onto the bloody floor and place my fingers on her neck, there's no pulse.

My eyes widened in panic, tears welled up. "OH MY GOD" I whisper, and look all over my bloody mini night gown that was no longer the color white. I wipe the smudge blood around my mouth, but the only made it worse. "The fuck?!" he quickly grabbed the women and carried her off away, called the ambulance. After an hour, the ambulance wheeled the dead women away, Justin said a dog had bitten her. After they left, the mess of blood was cleaned, and I was locked up in the room. I washed myself in the bath tub that was now full of bloody water.

I hear a knock on the door of the bathroom, I don't answer. The door opens anyways as Justin walks in, running his hand through his hair. "What....what....what was that?" he said closing his eyes. I close mine as well, I shake my head just now noticing the throbbing was gone. "I don't know, no yes I do know this" I whisper, I look up at him, straight into his eyes, "I'm not human" I say and look away from him. It took him a few minutes to process this, then he gulped, "what are you then?" he asked hesitantly.

"I'm......a vampire" I say at last. He narrows his eyes and laughs. It was a cold laugh, with no humor or feeling. "Please they ain't real" I glare at him, my icy glaze piercing into his soul, "yes they are, we keep ourselves hidden, mixing in with the humans all the time" I get up, the water draining down the drain. I grab my towel, rap it around my naked body and step toward him. In a matter of seconds I'm in front of him, and he flinches, steps back. "Believe me or not, you can't say or tell this to anyone" I say with a glare, he nods.

I open the door of the bathroom, I quickly dress in some skinny jeans and a hoodie on top of a spaghetti strap. I tie on my converse he had bought me as he steps out of the bathroom, I'm almost of the door when he yanks me back into the room. My eyes widen at him, "where you going?","away from here after what I did you probably fear me or something","no I don't","yes you do","answer me this" he says, closing his eyes. "What?" I whisper, his lips only inches away, "the girl I got to she real?" I look up into his hazel brown eyes, sparkling up at me.

"Yes that's me","then your human" he whispers and pulls me into a kiss. My eyes widen as his lips press against me, and kiss him back. His lips are both hungry and gentle and this was something I've never felt before. All my senses, my being, I was alive and all I wanted was his lips all over my body. His kisses deepened to where I was pinned against the wall, mouth to mouth, both kissing each other with such hungry as if each other was our salvation. When he pulls away from me, both of us are breathing heavily. My chest was pounding from his kisses.

"Justin........","don't leave" he says with a husky voice. All I could do is stare into his hazel eyes, "but....i'm a monster","no, no you are not a monster" I looked away, slid down along the door. I hug my knees, shaking my head, "yes, I just killed a person" I shut my eyes, but all
I can see the poor helpless women who I had compelled, lying there, dead. He bends down beside me, uncovers me face, "no....that.....i don't care" he says with so much confidence in his eyes, I can't help but give him a sad smile. Then he kisses me again, more soft and tender this time, as if he knew how fragile this moment truly is.

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