Chapter 25: Blood Promise

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I shake my head at him, "no I can't let you die.....there's.....there's got to be something I can do" I whisper as my tears flow down like streams. "I'm glad I met you Bloom, you are like my dreams........angel......beautiful...." he whispers as his coughs become more violent. The door blasts open and there is Edward with the family ready to help. Carlisle rushes towards me and feels his pulse, "its too slow" he shakes his head, "is there anything I can do?" I whisper, he gave me a look that said it all.

There was something I could do, its whether I chose to do it that matters. I look down into his hazel eyes that were loosing their sparkle. "Justin" I whisper, he nods weakly, "there' thing I can do for you" he nods, "I can save you, but it has its price, you'll turn like me only different....." he nods weakly, "I will give you a blood promise, that i will never leave you as long as you want me near you" I whisper, he opens his mouth and whispers, "I just be.....with you forever Bloom.....your the one, and I....." he touches his heart, "I except your blood promise" he says as he lifts his head to kiss me with his bloody lips. After the kiss, I bend down to his neck.

I close my eyes as I kiss his neck and bite into him. But unlike the time I did this to Fernando, there was something magical about it. I felt like I was transferring half my life force, my soul to him. My venom sealing the blood promise I just made him. The flow of magic feels soooo strong it's as if our spirits were being bonded. I look down at his face, that was the same color of pale as me. I could see nothing else but him and this silver white light that surrounded us. All of a sudden a red dragon became tattooed in his face, his fingers traced my face, "you have a dragon on your face" he whispers.

I put my fingers to where he was tracing a red dragon on my face that well down all the way down my body. I smiled at him as we kissed, even though my lips were smeared with his blood from the bite. We kiss passionate, and slowly he begins to sit up straight. And as the silver light faded, he pulled away looking into my eyes. I look away, "you'll never be able to go back to your old life Justin, won't be able to be a singer anymore", he cups my face, "I won't care Bloom, your my life now" he kisses me again. After a few more kisses, we stand up hand in hand. All the Cullen's stare in awe, and Zayne does too with a lopsided smile as he patted his head.


After convincing Justin to let Carlisle check him (the dragon tattoo vanished along with mine), I stood up and sat beside Zayne, who was leaning against the wall. "Here let me heal you" I whisper, he just turns to me, meeting my gaze. I place my hands on his head and close my eyes, and feel a new flow of magic flow through my body. After the delicious bite I had from Justin, I feel strong enough to do anything. When I open my eyes, he's smiling, "thanks" he sighs. I sit and lean against the wall, "what are you going to do now?" I ask him, "go home and show my face to everyone even though i'll be known as the traitor because of this........but really I don't care" he smiles at me, "I did the right thing" I smile at him sympathetically.

"I wish I could something for you though......." I whisper and think ranking my mind, then I grin. "Hand me your stake","what?","stake" I say, he eyes my wary and hands me it. I close my eyes and enhance the stake with my magic. Slowly it began to glow, leaving the mark of the red dragon on it as an imprinted tattoo. His eyes widen as I hand this too him, "if your going to be a great vampire hunter at least do it the right way, but again be aware of what you call a monster" I say, he nods and gives me his smile. I help him up as he stashes his stake in its place, and part ways as we exited the studio. "Thank you!" I shout out, he just nods, "no problem Bloom Lopez!" he yells back as he vanishes into the fog.

I turn and see Edward leaning against the wall outside of the studio. "I didn't know this is what you meant" I whisper, he gives me a sad smile, "I wasn't goin to abandon you.....i care about you Bloom" I give him a sad smile. "I know you do.....but I can't give you what you need" I murmur as I hug him, "I'm not the one for you". He stares me down, "your like my brother....a close friend" I whisper as I walk towards the car where Carlisle was with Justin. As I head to them I can't help but feel Justin. I could feel his emotions, everything he thought, everything.

I arch my brow at him, by the look in his eyes it looked like he could feel the same on me. Can you feel me? His thoughts entered my head, I stare at him wide eyed, "Ummmmm Carlisle...","yes?" he said as he packed up his doctor stuff, "I think something weird is going on" he arches his brows, "I can....feel him......his thoughts enter my head" I murmur, his eyes widen, "well I guess you two are bonded" we both look at each other. "You did create a blood promise, I know that by creating one your spirits become bound meaning you two probably have formed a bond, mostly likely a two way bond" he said with as much surprise as us.


As they drove us to my home, we are all quiet. Justin holds my hand through the whole way, never letting go. I feel dizzy with happiness and from the high of the magic that was now crushing on me. All I could feel is darkness.....darkness seeping into me slowly....

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