Chapter 9: There's Nothing There

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I stand there as the wind blows my hair, he walks over slowly towards me. "Can we take a walk?" he asks, I nod. He motions for me to take the lead and I do, I start walking into the woods. I walk slowly, keeping his presences close. I stop in front of a small stream, and turn to face him. I didn't realize how close he had gotten until we were face to face, only breaths away from each other. I also hadn't noticed how tall he really was. "What do you want?" I start, he takes my hand but I pull away from his warm touch. "I want to apologize.....Bloom I didn't mean anything I said to you before about being a monster?","it sure looked like you meant" I reply sharply.

He shakes his head, "I didn't mean any of it.....its just I was pissed off that you became something we always believed was evil" he sighed, "but now I realized your still the same girl I've known.....I accept you as you are and I want it to be the same as before, I want to mend what's broken" he says softly. I just stare. After everything you yelled at me, you want to apologize now? I sigh and look him in the eyes, "after everything you yelled at me.....your saying sorry?" I say as calmly as possible. He groans, "I know how lame I sound but I am sorry for what I said, I regret it" he paces back and forth, then he turns and takes my hands into his, and kisses it. I look up into his eyes, his are shining.

I shake my head, "you know nothing can ever be the same right?","I know, but at least be together like before","we weren't together","yeah because you let you sister separate us" he replied darkly. I shook my head again and try to pull away but now he has pulled me into his arms, they wrap around my waist. We were only a few inches away from our lips, and I can feel his pulse and his beating heart, the veins.....the blood.....he kisses me. His gentle lips press hungrily against mine, as if it was finally satisfied with himself. The only thing wrong with this was that I wasn't kissing him back.

I stood frozen, stunned by his proximity, his scent, his chocolate dark brown eyes, that and there was nothing there. I did not feel any of the feelings I used to feel for him. I did not feel longing, lust, or passion. I felt surprised, alert, and relieved. When he pulls away, he notices it too. He looks wary, "why didn't you kiss me back?" he asks, I step away from him, "ever since I've turned back I don't have all the same emotions I had towards people","wait are you saying your feelings for me are gone?". I look down away from him, "I don't know Anth, but even if I did, I just want us to remain the best friends we were" I take his hands, he looks into my eyes.

"Friends?" he asked, he smiled a sad smile, "Bloom you don't even have to ask, we already have always been best friends and we will always keep being that" I smile and hug him tightly, he still wraps his arms around my waist but this time the hug was a warm friendly hug. It felt all right in the world until I heard a twig crack. I let go quickly and looked around. "What's wrong?" he said, I shook my head and put a finger on his lips to be quiet. He grew quiet and alert as well, and then all of a sudden arrows began to shot from all angles, but wait, there not arrows...."there tranquilizers! Run Bloom!" with that he pushes me and we begin to run with lightening speed.

Before I knew it, I had lost Anthony, I had out ran him. "Anthony!" I scream as I hear screams of pain, but they sounded animal like. I run through the woods back to where we were and there were people that looked from an army shooting at him with the tranquilizers, except he was a wolf. His fur was the color of honey and gold, and he roared, "get out of the way you mutt! We came for the girl!" they keep shooting at him, and then finally they noticed that that wasn't working they brought out a gun. "No!!" I screamed as I ran in front of him, but it was already too late, they had already shot him 12 times. "STOP!!" I screamed and they stopped shooting, I threw myself on the ground, the wolf had turned back into Anthony. I cradled him in my arms, "Anthony? what have they done to you?" I whisper tears streaming down my cheeks. "Don't cry, run for it Bloom..."he whispered, "run....and don't.....don't...cry" he stroked my cheek with his bloody had and then stopped moving.

"Anthony!! Nooo!!! Please no!!!" I screamed and screamed, and cried. I glared at all the people around me, my eyes turning red, to black. "How dare dare you!!!" I screamed as fire blasted from my hands to all around them. They screamed in pain as they shoot tranquilizers and bullets as they burned. None of them touched me. I looked down at Anthony, his stilled body, motionless with blood pouring from everywhere. I kissed his bloody mouth. "Please, please don't die on me" I closed my eyes and concentrated on seeing him alive and happy with that smile....that smile that used to make my heart race.

I felt something flow from within me. It felt.....sweet and felt as if I was floating through the heavens, it felt as if I was high on crack. It was like an endorphin rush, like eating chocolate on s'mores. It was amazing how I felt right now, I felt powerful and strong but also on a high. I opened my eyes and saw him sparkling, his eyes fluttered open, and he smiled, "Bloom?" I couldn't say a word, the high was leaving me. "Bloom? Your shining you have a tattoo!" his voice sounded distant now as if he were yelling from across the woods. "Bloom" was all I heard before my world became a blurry mess of flames and darkness.

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