Chapter 11: Surprisingly

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Stefan and Damon followed me as I slowly walked down the stair case on my own. "How did it go?" asked Anthony, "their big fat phonies right?". I shake my head and turn to everyone, "no they aren't, they are my brothers, I'm Bloom Salvatore" I say at last. Esme comes over and helps me onto the couch, "and what are your plans?" she asked. "We're planing to leave with our sister" said Damon, I shook my head, "no","no?" he asked. "No I can't leave, no offense but the Cullen's are more of a family then you guys ever would be","that hurts to hear" says Damon. "That and I have a new life here and I'm not about to leave it behind just for you guys" I reply with a sigh.

    "I understand that" said Stefan, "what we would like to do then, is to stay close to you", "we do?" interjected Damon, Stefan glares and nods. "Why don't you guys stay here then?" asked Alice, "you guys can join our family and live here with your long lost sister" added Rosalie. "But we wouldn't want to be a bother, because its not just us, my girlfriend is here with us too" said Stefan. "It's no bother" added Carlisle, "if it makes Bloom happy then you may stay here with your girlfriend". That's when everyone turns to look at me for the response. But I dunno, I've barely met them, how can I consider them brothers just like that? I nod solemnly, "yes I would want them here","then it's arranged" said Alice happily, "we will arrange a room for you both" she rushed up the stairs.

     Stefan nods, "thank you very much","no problem" nodded Carlisle. Stefan then went out to go get his girlfriend while Damon paced. When he came back, his girlfriend isn't what I expected. Both Damon and Stefan are vampires, but Stefan's girlfriend was a human. She was tall and slender girl, she was also a bit tan with long straight dark brown hair and big chocolate colored eyes. She wore some skinny jeans and a coat with black boots. "Hello, I'm Elena Gilbert" She said with a stunning smile. "Nice to meet you" said Esme with her amazing smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you","same here, pleasure to meet everyone, especially you, Bloom" she said as she walked towards me.

    I smiled, "nice to meet ya too......uhhhh Elena right?" she nods, "I've heard so much about you from Stefan and Damon, I'm so glad to finally see you for myself, and you do look alot like Stefan" she smiles. "Uh thanks" but I had to agree I did see the resembles between me and Stefan. Anthony sighed, "I need to go back with Jake","I'll go-" he shook his head, "I've put you enough danger already, I can walk by myself" he said with a crooked smile, "but I'll come back tomorrow to see you ok?" I nod, "ok then but be careful" he nods and kisses my cheek goodbye as he leaves. Edward stood up, "I think you need some rest, Bloom i'll help you to your room, you've had a long day" I sigh, "ok yeah thanks....bye everyone" I say as he helps me, everyone says goodbye.

     When we arrive to my room, he closes the door and lays me on my bed. "Thanks" I smile sleepily, he smiles a gently smile that are soooo rare on him, "your welcome.....but don't ever do that again","what again?" I ask, "scare me like that, I thought you were dead" he said solemnly, "but Carlisle said you were alive, her heart was still beating steadily....but you have no clue how I felt when I saw that dog bring you in like that, I was ready to tear him apart" he shakes his head, I sit up and stroke his cheek, "you were worried about me?","yes, yes I was" he looks away from my eyes. "Oh" he looks back into my eyes, "I have a surprise for you" my eyes widen, "what surprise?" I asked. He pulls out a ticket and gives it for me to read, my eyes nearly pop out, "it's for a Justin Bieber concert this Friday!", I turn to him, "how did you know I loved that guy?" he laughs, "I saw your phone when you first came, all that Bieber music" he shakes his head.

    I grin, "thank you, thank you so much this is the best surprise I've ever had!" and surprisingly I throw my arms around him, and hug him tightly.

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