Chapter 23: Can't Stop Me

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I clearly explain everything to Kenny and even compelled him into not calling the police or following me. As soon as the sunsets I begin to prepare. I spent the whole day looking for a silver stake. Even though I've never used one, I'm pretty sure it can't be that hard to use. As I hold it, turning it I close my eyes and think that this was the thing that is used to kill a vampire. All of a sudden a flow of magic consumes me and the stake. When I open my eyes the stake is mixed with magic, sparkles the color of silver. The sparkles fade and show a picture of a dragon on the stake. I look wide eyed.

I let go of the stake, and the dragon picture fades away. I let out the breath I was holding back. I sigh and grab the stake and hook it up into the loop of my skinny jeans.


Night comes slowly and dreadfully. I make sure I had compelled Kenny into sleeping and made sure the mansion was secured before I left. I climbed the gate, jumping over it and landing perfectly on my feet. Ahead of me, even though it was night, fog was also coming like a mist. It was all over the place, and if it wasn't for my eye sight, I think I would have screwed myself over. I walk briskly through the fog, heading to the address I was told to go to. "Bloom" I hear behind me. I turn, narrow my eyes to see through the fog, a tall and lean figure heading towards me.

"Bloom" says his voice, I recognize him right away: Zayne. I pull out my silver stake out, "what do you want? Is this an ambush?" I snap. His head is facing down, shakes his head. "No, I'm alone on this one, trust me, no one knows I'm here, but imma finish what I didn't do" he rushes at me with his silver stake. I dodge easily and knee him, he falls and I quickly pin him down, throw the stake across the street, disappearing. He closes his eyes, tears slip out, "ok Bloom you win","what?","I'm going to let you go, go free, you just proved to me that your more human than I am","how?" I say bewildered by his words.

"You're not killing me" he said in a matter of fact voice, "if it had been me pinning you, I would have killed you without a second thought" he says bitterly. "Yet you don't, your more human than any of us supposedly human" he sighs, and looks into my eyes. I let out a breath and let him go, but I point the stake at him, "I won't kill you cuz I'm not the monster you all think I am, I'm different, I still have my soul" I slide the stake back into its place. He stands up with my help, I start to walk away when he calls out at me again, "let me help you Bloom, please it's the least I could do" he murmurs. I turn and look into his dark brown eyes, I close my eyes and nod, "ok but how do I know you won't betray me?","you have my honor, my word that I won't betray you" he says bowing before me.

I eye him wary, and nod, "ok I trust you" I grab the stake that I had thrown away, and hand it back to him, "you lead to where Justin is at" he nods and begins to walk in front of me with me behind him. After like 15 minutes, we're in the middle of the city that is surrounded by thick fog. "He picked an empty theater","well he picked it real good, this city looks dead" I murmur. He nods, "he took a while to figure out the perfect where, you know it's cuz this whole thing is an ambush". I stop walking and look him straight in the eye, "I know it is, but it's not gonna stop me from saving Justin, its my fault he's in this mess" I say. He smiles a sad smile, "that's the old Bloom I knew" I smile at him too, when I hear another shout.

"BLOOM!!!" he runs in inhuman speed towards me, pinning me into a wall of a building. "Let go of me!","Bloom it's me!","Edward?" I push him away from me. "You remember me?","of course I got my memory back","then what are you doing?","fixing the mess I created" I start walking back towards Zayne. "Isn't he a vampire hunter?","doesn't matter what he is" I say. "Lets go home Bloom, lets go","no" I snap, "and you can't stop". He looks at me with wide eyes, "I'm going to save Justin Bieber because I put him in danger after he saved my life" I look him straight in the eyes, "you can either help me too, or leave me to do what I'm going to do cuz you can't stop me from doing what's right" I say as I tug on my heart locket.

He nods, "ok I won't stop you but I will do you a favor" and with that he disappeared into the fog. I turn back to Zayne, "let's go" and I start walking, he follows me. After a few more minutes, we arrive at the address which did turn out to be an empty, abandoned theater. "Ready Bloom?" he asked, I nod as I close my eyes and open them again, "yes I'm ready".

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