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Ch. 17: Skyler

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Eric's and River's voices reach me before I step inside. Entering and putting down my things, I follow the sounds of their arguing to the living room, which has been taken over with Mitch Wild study materials for the last three days.

It's not enough that it's finals week. At work, my days are packed with review sessions, students' grade inquiries, and administering exams.

Then, at night, I'm inundated with facts about Mitchel. I've watched movies, shows, guest appearances, interviews, commercials, the list is endless.

Becca stormed her way into my house Monday night with years of articles, publications, and all of Mitchel's performances on DVD. And that's just his work. I also have to know what the fans love about him.

Mitchel lives in an entirely different world. There are fan-made edits, reels, cosplays, fan-fiction...well, Eric said to stay away from the fiction.

Eric and River have been helping me study until early in the morning. They crash in the guest rooms for a couple of hours before we all get up, go to work, and start the cycle again. I haven't been to the gym all week in order to get a couple more hours of sleep.

Still unnoticed, I watch Eric and River continue to fight. At least they're filled with youthful energy, whereas my brain is thickening into a swamp with information overload.

"He needs to watch Soldiers of Stardust next," River insists.

"We need to stay in chronological order, which is Taste of Friendship." Eric gets in River's face.

"But this is the sequel to Soldiers of Light."

"He needs to know them in order!"

"He can memorize a list, but this will help story building."

I close my eyes, focusing on breathing and letting their voices flatten into a dull buzz.

What is the chronological order of Mitch Wild's filmography? That's one of the potential questions from the list of two hundred Mitchel's extremely efficient fan club sent us. All of it relates to Mitchel's work and public knowledge about him.

Dean Matthews helped negotiate this mess for me, promising anything to resolve the protests on campus. Becca and the agency took over from there; their goal was to get ahead of this and give it a positive spin. My career is hinging on the emotional state of Mitch Wild's biggest fanatics.

Collins Hospitality will hold the trivia contest at one of our downtown locations. Mitchel's agency will act as sponsor and host, and Becca is working on setting up a YouTube livestream for all of Mitchel's official clubs. Mitchel will be there as a special guest and offering his own support.

Fifty members of Mitchel's official fan club here in LA will be on stage, each asking one of the questions randomly. If I answer right, I get a point; anything less than thirty-five points will bring a barrage of protestors.

The young vigilante club president was firm that peaceful protests would resume at the university and Collins Hotels nationwide.

"There you are."

My eyes shoot open as Becca storms in from the dining room, ignoring the other two men fighting as if she can no longer hear it.

She waves me over. Shoulders drooping, I drag my feet to the dining table covered in magazines, articles, printouts, and flash cards.

"Can I have thirty minutes first? I'm starving." I plead.

"No. I'll order dinner when Mitch leaves the office."

Perking up a little, "When will he be here?"

Mitchel has been here every night, too. Sometimes, he arrives with Becca, but often, it's later after he finishes work. There hasn't been time to talk with him about anything aside from contest prep.

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