Chapter 33

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" That was the sole reason I married you, but believe me Grace the fucking plan means nothing to me," Adrik said as tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks.

How could my father be so fucking cruel. Adrik was fucking twelve and he had to go through all of this alone. My father was a fucking monster, I mean how can someone be so cruel? How could he have a kid raped? His little sister was raped and then killed on the orders given out by my father.

I feel so fucking bad for him but what will be his reaction when he realises I've been in place of his sister? That I was stripped down right in front of my father and he did nothing? That my mother was raped and killed right in front of that fucking bastard and he did nothing because he was scared. That his daughter was raped at the age of eight but he didn't do anything.

I understand his agony and the torture he went through when he saw his mother and little sister stripped and killed and he could not do anything. Kai went through it. Only difference is that his sister was killed but I was not. But I wish I was. I so fucking wish that I was killed that night so that I would had been spared of all that fucking pain and agony, the fucking memories that still haunt me.

My screams accompanied with my mother's. I still can hear them raw. I still remember my mother begging my father to help her, to help me. But that fucking bastard was too scared. I really am fucking hoping that he is roting in hell right now.

Kai was a kid at that time but I know how helpless he feels at the loss of our mother. He had this spark in him, but father took away that also. He blamed Kai for that night and then, the spark was gone. And I think it is gone forever now. I understand what he has been through, what Adrik went through.

" I'm so sorry Adrik," I whispered as he engulfed me in his arms but I pushed him away.

No, I understand the fact that he went through a fucking lot. But I have gone through worse. He married me to avenge his family's death. I was not the one responsible for this, my father was. He killed him. He did what he could.

I fucking thought I now actually had someone who actually cares about me but guess what? That person was just using me. He is fucking using me to avenge his family's death. I hate him so fucking much.

" You wanted to avenge your family's death, for that you should had tortured my father, not me. You really think torturing me would bring you peace? Then do it, Adrik. Just fucking kill me. Anyway there's no purpose in me living. You say all those fancy and fluttering things to me and make me believe that you care about me but do you care about me? How the fuck am I responsible for your family's death? My father and I are different people," I yelled at him, and then started taking deep breaths.

I can't breathe. I dig my nails hard in my chest as I try to breathe but I fucking can't. It's like someone is choking me. Panic surged through my veins, my nails digging into my chest in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure, but it was futile. The pain was relentless, crushing me from the inside out.

Stop this. Mom. I need you. I need you right now. I need you to hug me and tell me that it's all going to be alright.

Adrik's voice brings me out of my haze of distress as he tries to come near me but I stop him as he says, " Let me hold you baby, please."

" No, you'll use me, just like my father did. You also don't care, do you?" I retorted with my wounds of betrayal still fresh, my voice trembling with fear and defiance.

" I care Grace, I fucking Grace," he insists, holding me in his unwavering gaze.

" I'm leaving," I declared, with an urgent need to escape the unwavering suffocation of the room but before I could take a single step Adrik's hand snakes through my waist as he pins me against the door, slamming it shut as I flinch visibly.

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