Chapter 37

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I hate him. His very existence. Why does he exist? Mom, I need you. I need you more than anything at this point. I can't survive him. He is ruining me. You told me the night you died to never lose my spark, but I am losing it mom.

No matter how I try he always makes me feel worthless,and talks shit about you. I can't do this mom. It sucks, it really does.

Please come back to me mom. Come back to Kai. I can't survive like this. I want to escape this suffocating life. He literally suffocates me.

I should have died that night, along with you.



Three months later:

Life is good. To say the least. I am happy now. I can confidently say that. I am happy because of my husband. I am now excited to wake up, it is not my monotonous life anymore. I don't live in fear anymore. Instead, there is a burst of excitement in me now.

Why? Because of my husband.

My one and only, my husband.

There is doubt in the fact that I like him, or I have fallen for him.

It is more than that. It's .... I don't know.

Maybe love?

He has always been with me, during my mood swings or when I have cried my heart out due to a nightmare or I have missed my mother or Kai. He even threatened to bring Kai here and have him apologise to me, but I refused. I don't want to force him.

I just want him to be happy. If I would have been in his place, the same would have been my reaction. I would absolutely not like to witness what he did. But he did not give me a chance to explain myself. Not that I would listen to him.

I have missed him, not going to lie. I really have, but life has been fun. I made a new friend, Kiara. At first, she was a composed person, not talking much, grumpy to be honest but as soon as she opened up to me, we became best friends.

She is so fun. In the past three months we have gone out on dates, shopping and movies. Of course, Adrik was a grump whenever I told him I'm going out with Kiara. But he has also used her to make me jealous. He just tries to take revenge for me hugging Jeremy or smiling at him.

Jeremy and Kiara too have started dating and we have gone on so many double dates. I love my life at this point. I can say that confidently.

"Adrik, what do you think my hobby is?" I ask him, biting my lower lip.

He would probably say reading or maybe sleeping.

"Fighting with me over matters neither you nor I gives a fuck about and then start crying," he says, non chalantly as I stare at him wide eyed.

"You did not just say that" I exclaimed, smacking a pillow over his head.

"Oh really? Then tell me who was fighting with me because I had made blueberry pancakes instead of nutella? Or maybe I had posted a different picture, and that picture was almost the same?" he says, as he pulls me closer to him.

" So I had made it pretty clear I wanted nutella instead of blueberry and that picture was not the same. The one I told you was in a darker complexion," I said as I giggled as he started tickling me. He has been doing that a lot these days.

"Stopppppp," I yell as he does and I catch my breath.

"Grace," my eyes drift towards the door of our room where I see Kai like a mess. His hair messed up and his eyes bloodshot red.

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