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>>> No one's POV <<<

Taehyung was on his way to Jungkook's office after he was done with the printing. He was feeling so tired since he had no sleep last night.

I have to get a nap as soon as I go home or my brain won't function properly and I won't be able to study tonight.

He was about to knock on the door when he felt a light tap on his  right shoulder. He turned around to see a beautiful women smiling at him. Involuntarily he smiled back.

Taehyung: may I help you miss?

?: Oh Tae baby it's me Shina remember? are you done with the print outs?

ohh... it's her..

Taehyung: oh Miss Park.. uh yeah I just printed them and am about to hand them to Ju- Mr. Jeon.

Shina: let me help you hand them to him for you. I'm sure he's the last person you want to see in the early morning.

Taehyung: oh no Miss Park I don't mind handing them in myself. It's no big deal. 

Shina: please Tae baby. it's the least I could go right now after you helped me with this in such a short notice. Let me help you this once.

Taehyung: No seriously it's ok. I have to-

Shina: I'll tell Jungkook that you came here  on time and that I asked you to leave because I have something very important thing to discuss with him.

oh.. so they must be close to discuss such important things alone.. maybe it's something personal or  something about work.. something that I shouldn't know about since I'm new here and I'm not trusted as much as her...but who cares...

Taehyung: oh, ok than umm, I'll take my leave. Have a good day Miss Park

Shina: you too Tae baby..

>>> Taehyung's POV <<<

I swear to god she is so weird. How does she know that I dislike Jungkook? and eww she keeps calling me Tae baby.. I wanna puke right now.

I lend the papers to her, bowed and walked away feeling somewhat relieved that I don't have to deal with Jungkook's stupid ass, well at least for now.


I turned around to see Yeji jogging towards me while waving a file in the air. Why is she screaming, Jungkook will get mad if he hears...

Taehyung: are you planning to get fired?

Yeji: ahah no. I'm sure he won't hear me from here, unless he's a Vampire.

Taehyung: tsk, Vampires are not real ok? They are Just fictional..

Yeji: They could be real.. oh by the way I wanted to tell you that the models won't be attending today so there won't be any need to conduct any test.

Taehyung: who said?

Yeji: Mr. Jeon. 

Taehyung: why?

Yeji: he said that he won't be present at the company today since he will be busy with something personal..

Taehyung: what does that have to do with the modeling workshop?

Yeji: well, he said he wants the models to be tested in his presence. The test has been delayed to next week Monday.

Taehyung: B-but that's a school day I can't come here. I am only free during weekends..

Yeji: I don't know Tae. I think you should have a talk with him, maybe if you can't find a way to be present at work on Monday you should ask Mr. Jeon to give the task to someone else. But, I don't think he'll do that. He always does what he wants.

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