Chapter 1

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The day after her confrontation with her father, Jadepaw spent some time collecting herbs for her mentor. She managed to get enough that Rocktooth was sure that they would last the Clan well into leafbare.

Despite how angry she felt at her father, Jadepaw knows that he wants to talk to her again. She just needs to know more about the prophecy, so not talking to her father just proves her point more.

Rocktooth seemed to know Jadepaw was feeling something strongly and left Jadepaw to herself, thankfully not asking any questions. Jadepaw was glad her mentor was leaving her alone but it does make her a little sad not to talk to Rocktooth about all her emotions.

Even Jadepaw's family members seemed to notice she was mad, as her mother brought her prey and said something about how Jadepaw will get it eventually while her sisters watched from the entrance to the den.

She mostly just wants answers, but proving her point feels right at this point.


"Jadepaw, we've got another scratch, can you get me some marigold and cobwebs?" Rocktooth calls.

"Got it!" Jadepaw calls back.

She grabs the herbs and brings it to her mentor, who is sitting with Grassfur. The grey warrior has a scratch on her shoulder that doesn't look too bad, but Rocktooth always puts marigold on even the smallest scratches to prevent infection.

"Thank you," Rocktooth starts applying the herbs while Grassfur looks around the den, anywhere but at her scratched shoulder.

"How'd that happen?" Jadepaw asks the warrior.

"Just fell out of a tree chasing a squirrel," Grassfur meows. "Lucky I didn't break anything, honestly. Featherwing broke my fall, thankfully."

"And he's lucky he didn't break anything either," Rocktooth grumbles. "Somehow he got away unscathed."

"Wow, that's pretty good luck on both sides," Jadepaw meows. "That's incredible."

Grassfur grins. "Well, if you've been training for as long as we have, you can do some pretty incredible things."

Jadepaw hums a little. "Well, you should probably avoid falling out of trees from now on either way, just in case you do actually break something one day."

"That was the plan," Grassfur gives Jadepaw a playful smirk.

"Avoid tearing that off and you'll be fine," Rocktooth meows. "You can leave now."

"Thanks, Rocktooth," Grassfur gets to her paws and leaves the den.

The pretty grey warrior meows something to Featherwing, who was waiting outside, and they walk off together, tails entwined. The whole Clan is aware that those two recently became an item, but this was the first time Jadepaw had seen them do anything affectionate to each other in front of the Clan. It was sort of cute to see, even if it looked a little awkward to do with Featherwing's half-missing tail.

"With the amount of cats injuring themselves lately, we're going to run out of marigold," Rocktooth sighs.

"We can always ask RowanClan or BirchClan to lend us some," Jadepaw offers.

"There are also places I can get some in the Twolegplace," Rocktooth meows. "Speaking of, I should send you off to see all the places I gather herbs in the Twolegplace one day. Hattie would be happy to help out."

"Can't you show me?" Jadepaw asks.

"I can't be away from the Clan for a whole day," Rocktooth meows. "If that sounds too scary for you, I can send a warrior with you."

Jadepaw nods. "But not now. Maybe in newleaf, when everything is growing?"

"Of course. I wouldn't send you in there at the point when plants are dying."

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