Chapter 14

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"Look at how well you're healing!" Jadepaw gasps as she removes the leaf wrap from Blueclaw's stomach. "It's already starting to scar!"

"Dad'll be happy to hear that," Blueclaw meows, grunting as Jadepaw pulls the rest of the wrap off. "Stars, I wish it was fully healed, though."

"It'll be a while," Jadepaw meows patiently. "But even after it's fully healed, you'll need to take it easy. I'm sure Darkstep is willing to put you on fewer patrols when you heal up."

Blueclaw groans, though a smirk tells Jadepaw a joke is brewing. "But patrolling is my only joy in this desolate world! How will I ever survive?"

"Alright, dramatic," Jadepaw rolls her eyes and starts tearing the leaves into strips to apply to Blueclaw's wound. She hears the sitter of tiny pawsteps outside the den and looks up. By the entrance is little Flamekit, freshly healed from being sick, her eyes wide as she watches Jadepaw work. She smiles as Bluekit and Pebblekit's faces glance around the fluffy ginger she-kit. "I can see you, you know." Flamekit squeaks and ducks behind the stone wall, leaving Bluekit and Pebblekit exposed. "If you're going to watch, at least come sit by Blueclaw and keep her entertained while I reapply her herbs."

The three kits wander into the den and sit by Blueclaw, who groans as Jadepaw places a leaf strip against her wound. "Oh, that hurts a lot! This is a lesson for you kits, don't fight dogs on your own."

"Or else you'll find a very grumpy Rocktooth if you live," Jadepaw adds with a purr. Flamekit leans in curiously, watching while Jadepaw smears a bit more pulp on a leaf strip.

"What's that yucky smelling stuff?" Flamekit questions. "Is it the same stuff you gave us when we were sick?"

"No, we were giving you coltsfoot," Jadepaw replies. "This is a mixture of dock, marigold and horsetail. It will prevent Blueclaw's injury from getting infected."

"You're so smart, Jadepaw!" Flamekit announces. "I would never be able to remember all those fancy herbs."

"Well, I still have a lot to learn," Jadepaw replies, embarrassment warming her pelt. Kits are so earnest.

"Jadepaw, is it true you can see ghosts?" Pebblekit asks suddenly.

"Pa-pardon?" Jadepaw stammers, almost dropping her leaf strip.

"I heard Amberheart talking to Fallenbranch about how you can see ghosts!" Pebblekit mews. "And my Pop Pop says you can see my Meemaw even though she's dead!"

"Well, I, uh," Jadepaw stutters, feeling all eyes in the den on her. Even Blueclaw looks interested. Jadepaw swallows down anxiety and nods. "I can see ghosts. I have been able to since I was a kit."

"What do the ghosts do?" Bluekit questions, batting at Blueclaw's ears aimlessly. "Do they make it hard to do your job?"

Jadepaw shakes her head and lies the last leaf wrap on Blueclaw's stomach. "Pass me those vines, will you?" Blueclaw pushes them over as Jadepaw replies to Bluekit. "Sometimes they tell me long lost knowledge from old medicine cats and sometimes they just want a chat. Most of the time they sit with their family members. Like Pebblekit's Meemaw, she sits in the elder's den with Emberwing and Ashpelt. I think it makes them feel better. There we are, Blueclaw. All done. Anything else bothering you?"

"Only the fact that you have been able to see ghosts this whole time!" Blueclaw exclaims. "That's a crazy cool power, Jadepaw!"

Jadepaw shrugs and gets to her paws. "It's just like what you guys see. Just more cats and some of them glow. Now you rest, Blueclaw. I'm going to go check on Whitestar's wrenched shoulder. You kits don't go into the herb store, okay? And do not eat anything that you find either! Rocktooth will be back soon, so you better be out of her way when she gets back."

"Okay, Jadepaw!" Flamekit squeaks.

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