Chapter 16

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"This better be important," Rocktooth grumbles as the medicine cats gather in the empty Meeting Valley. Jadepaw sticks close to her mentor, still feeling the remnants of her dream a few days prior haunting her mind. There is also a sinking feeling in her stomach as she sits next to Rocktooth.

"This is very important," Goldenlight meows seriously. "I had a dream a few nights ago. It included the prophecy."

Darktail, Thrushsong and Rocktooth all look at each other anxiously.

"So did I," Thrushsong meows.

"I did as well," Darktail agrees. "Just yesterday."

"I had a similar dream," Rocktooth meows, kneading the ground beneath her paws.

Jadepaw hesitates before piping up. "I did too..."

"Then we know the prophecy must be coming to fruition soon," Goldenlight meows. "I saw flames and cats burning... Whatever is coming can't be good."

"Yes, and I heard a voice reciting the prophecy as I watched BirchClan camp burn," Darktail meows sagely.

"I'm scared this could be retribution from SpiritClan after all that has happened as of late," comes Thrushsong's shaky mew. "I saw so many of my loved ones burning..."

"Let's not lose sight of the possibilities," Rocktooth meows. "It could very well still be a cat called fire. Who are some cats who it could be?"

"Well, there's Smoketail, Emberwing, Ashpelt, Flamepaw and Flamekit in WillowClan," Jadepaw offers.

"And Firestorm, Coalwing and Cinderpaw in BirchClan," Thrushsong adds.

"Firepelt, Smokesong and Opalblaze in RowanClan," Goldenlight meows. "Although you could disprove Opalblaze since it's not her prefix, but she could still be on the table as a cat that it could be."

"Right, so there are ten, maybe eleven, cats it could be. Have any of them shown signs of strange dreams or something similar?" Rocktooth asks, flicking her tail over her paws.

"Emberwing has been telling more stories about Moonclaw, but that could just be him trying to get them out before he loses the memories permanently with age," Jadepaw meows. "And Ashpelt doesn't dream much, at least according to them."

"Cinderpaw has an odd ability to occasionally see spirits, but we believe it's just a side effect of his poor eyesight," Darktail meows. "And he hasn't reported this as anything new."

"Nothing in RowanClan either," Goldenlight sighs. "Firepelt is very faithful, so I think she'd tell me if she had visions or dreams. She hasn't reported anything."

"So we're no closer to a conclusion than when we first got the prophecy," Darktail grumbles. "Sometimes I wish SpiritClan was more direct in how they worded things."

Jadepaw doesn't say it, but she has a feeling SpiritClan was being very direct this time around. She just wishes she knew what the second part of her dream meant. It was so odd, what with only the moon and six stars in the sky and that hawk that seemed to be searching for prey in the desolate landscape. Maybe she's not ready for that yet.

Distant Sun: Flashing Lights - Shimmering StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang