Chapter 3

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The cough the kittens had stopped spreading, thankfully. But with so many kits sick, they were burning through their storage of coltsfoot quickly. The herb grows mostly near the BirchClan border on WillowClan territory, so today Jadepaw is there gathering the herb for further usage.

She's almost done when a BirchClan patrol approaches her.

"Good morning, Jadepaw!" a warrior Jadepaw remembers her mentor calling Clamshell meows. "How's WillowClan doing?"

Jadepaw hesitates before meowing "we've had a small outbreak of a sickness we haven't been able to identify yet among the kits, but we've contained it and we're working on getting everyone better."

"I hope they all get better," Clamshell meows worriedly. "With how young the kits in WillowClan are, it must be stressful."

"Yeah, but Rocktooth and I are doing our best to keep everyone calm," Jadepaw meows. "The queens are doing a great job of keeping the kits calm too, so I think this'll go away soon."

"Wow, medicine cats are pretty awesome for being able to keep such a cool head in stressful situations," an apprentice who Jadepaw recognizes as Daypaw meows coolly. "Even if warriors do all the fighting, medicine cats are the real cats who keep the Clans safe."

Jadepaw's heart leaps into her throat and she opens her mouth to say something, but she's quickly interrupted. Daypaw's mentor, Flowersong, nods in agreement. "I almost became a medicine cat when I was apprenticed, but I quickly found out when I was a kit that being a medicine cat is less about speaking with SpiritClan and more about healing. That freaked me out more than fighting."

"We, um, we do our best," Jadepaw mumbles embarrassedly, picking more of the coltsfoot.

"We should keep going, you need to get back to your Clan," Clamshell meows. "Come on everyone, we've got a little longer to go along and then we can go hunt."

The patrol leaves and Jadepaw quickly gathers the herbs she picked and hurries back to camp.


"Perfect, I can go give this to the queens and then we can check in on the elders," Rocktooth meows when Jadepaw returns.

"Yeah..." Jadepaw passes some of the coltsfoot she'd gathered to her mentor and goes to the back of the den to put it away in the store.

Rocktooth exits the den, leaving Jadepaw alone with Icepatch. The black and white warrior looks bored as she flexes her claws in and out on her uninjured paw.

"You two are doing pretty good at keeping everyone chill about this cough," Icepatch meows suddenly. "I have no idea how you do it."

"I guess... it just comes with the job..." Jadepaw mumbles.

That's weird, Jadepaw thinks as she slips the herb into its alcove, Icepatch said the same thing Daypaw did, but my heart didn't do that weird thing it did before.

Rocktooth quickly returned, so Jadepaw didn't have time to think about it. She's quickly assigned to bring Emberwing the herbs he needs for his aching joints.

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