Chapter 15

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Jadepaw's dreams are muddled tonight. She sees flashes of flames and hears cats screaming in pain. She sees her mother screaming for Jadepaw and her sisters, looking around frantically as the world goes up in flames. She sees Daypaw from BirchClan crying over a shape that Jadepaw can only assume is her mother, Misteye. She sees Goldenlight get engulfed by flames, screaming in agony. She sees Whitestar ordering cats to put out the fire as soot stains her white fur. She sees Peachpaw and Brightpaw from RowanClan curled together as flames block their only exit from the tree they were hiding under.

Then her dreams shift to a cold wasteland with stumps as far as the eye could see. She knows everyone is long gone as the only six stars in the sky glitter ahead. A hawk flies over her head, screeching loudly. The mountains loom over her, eerie with silence. A lark sitters across her paws as thunder crashes in the distance despite the clear skies. The river bubbles near her and the night sky is empty aside from the silver moon and the six shining stars. She can see a den, empty from what she could see, whose entrance was hidden by vines.

And finally she finds herself in Ambereyes's prison, which shouldn't be happening. Ambereyes said that Jadepaw shouldn't be able to be here. The starry former medicine cat stares at her in silence as the lake erupts in flames.

"Fire must blaze across the rowans, willows and birches so that the Clans can become one," Ambereyes says in a quiet mew. "You must stand tall, young one. You must not blaze out like flames."

And as if on cue, a ginger tom Jadepaw can only assume is Rowanstar leaps out of the flames and starts choking the former medicine cat. Ambereyes struggles and screeches:

"The blaze! The fire must blaze! You must not burn out with the flames!"

The smoke starts choking Jadepaw and she gasps for air like Ambereyes does, thrashing in Rowanstar's grip. As her vision tinges with smoke, Jadepaw jerks awake, gasping for air.

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