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"So whaddya think?" Featherspeck asks as he and Ambereyes approach the SpiritClan border.

"I think you're an idiot," Ambereyes replies. "We don't know where any of the weak spots are and you just want to chuck yourself at the border to see?"

"Exactly!" Featherspeck gives a chipper smile and crouches down.

He wiggles his haunches and then runs at full speed at the border. Ambereyes steps back as a loud snap! comes as Featherspeck hits the border. The tom is flown back, his head at an awkward angle, and hits a tree. Featherspeck reaches up and readjusts his head, grinning at Ambereyes.

"No opening!"

"Obviously, idiot. No wonder everyone calls you mad," Ambereyes huffs. "We're supposed to be discussing the plan. How are we going to get in SpiritClan without the founders noticing our opening before we're ready?"

"Ah, pish posh," Featherspeck waves his paw at her as he stretches his neck. "Whoo! I haven't snapped my neck like that since the last war games I participated in! What a rush! I should do that more often!"

"You are so lucky you aren't alive," she growls.

"I wonder if my neck will rot away and show off the bones inside," Featherspeck meows aloud as he gets to his paws. "I feel like I'd break my neck more if that happened. I'd love to feel that rush again!"

"You are truly insane. Besides, you know that only happens to cats who had their neck broken as the death."

"Ah, I guess I can only wish," he sighs. "Right-o, I'm back to my cave and I'll get started working on my mixture. I'll leave you to your worries."

"You are no help," Ambereyes growls, her fur standing on end.

"If you want helpful advice, ask Icehawk. She's so old and wise, and she loves giving advice to cats who need it... or don't need it," Featherspeck waves Ambereyes away, leaving a trail of blood behind him as he walks into the underbrush and vanishes.

Ambereyes flexes her claws but concedes. Icehawk would know a bit more. After all, the old she-cat had almost gotten into SpiritClan when she first arrived in the Forest. She is a true neutral of all these crazy cats Ambereyes needs to deal with.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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