Chapter 5

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Jadepaw carefully wraps her tail around her paws as she sits by the RowanClan border. Despite the kits' sickness, Rocktooth had sent Jadepaw off to RowanClan for today to assist Goldenlight and learn some things from the RowanClan medicine cat like Rocktooth did when she was an apprentice. Usually, medicine cats can just waltz their way onto Clan territory and speak to each other but Rocktooth had encouraged Jadepaw to wait on the border for a patrol so that they could show her to the RowanClan camp.

Jadepaw doesn't mind waiting, however. It gives her time to think, which is something she hasn't been able to do since the outbreak has occurred. Jadepaw takes the time to think about Ambereyes, who she hasn't seen hide nor hair of since the first time Jadepaw was contacted by the older she-cat. That worries Jadepaw, because she wants to figure out the prophecy as soon as possible. After all, she might be the key to it in the end.

"Oh my stars, hi Jadepaw!" a voice pulls Jadepaw out of her thoughts.

Jadepaw looks up and sees Peachpaw, a RowanClan apprentice, standing there. The warriors on the patrol, who Jadepaw doesn't really recognize, all dip their heads respectfully to her.

"How can we help you, Jadepaw?" a ginger tom asks.

"My mentor and your medicine cat discussed having me spend the day in RowanClan to learn some techniques and to assist her in anything she needs help with," Jadepaw meows.

"Goldenlight does need the help packing up for the leafbare camp..." a scarred silver she-cat meows thoughtfully. "Alright, Petalcall, Peachpaw and Climbtail, go ahead and finish the patrol. I'll lead her back to camp."

The other two warriors nod and start walking along the border once more. Peachpaw lingers a moment.

"I'll see you when we finish our patrol," Peachpaw meows cheerfully.

"Bye Peachpaw," Jadepaw purrs.

Peachpaw trots after the other warriors and Jadepaw crosses the border. The silver she-cat smiles fondly as she watches the young she-cat follow the patrol.

"I'm glad my granddaughter has met such a nice cat her age," the scarred silver she-cat meows. "Especially a medicine cat. I have a feeling being around you will teach her some self-control."

"Peachpaw's your granddaughter?" Jadepaw questions, furrowing her brow. "You don't look like you're old enough to have grandkits."

The silver she-cat laughs with surprise clear on her face. "Well that's the nicest thing I've heard in a while! I don't look it, but all of my kits have been grown for a while now. In fact, that was one of them that just left."

"Oh," Jadepaw feels a little embarrassed.

"Well, come along then. Let's get you to camp so that you can help Goldenlight," the silver she-cat purrs.


The RowanClan camp was busy. There were warriors picking up the colorful leaves that had fallen from the rowan trees above, apprentices clearing old bedding out of the dens and even Tallstar was there clearing out the fresh-kill pile with the deputy, Tansytail. The silver warrior left Jadepaw by the entrance after directing Jadepaw to Goldenlight's den and then left for her patrol, still smiling after what Jadepaw had said.

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