Chapter Two

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Ashanti let out a sigh as she stepped off her treadmill, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead. She grabbed her jug of water and took a sip, before leaving the gym. Immediately, the cool air touched her wet skin, sending a chill down her spine.

When she made it back to her apartment, she jumped into a nice hot shower to relax her muscles. She felt a sense of peace come over her as the water hit her skin. After her shower, she began getting ready for her day.

She stood in her closet, analyzing every piece of clothing until she came across her black, long-sleeved jumpsuit. She dressed it with her large jean shirt and black open toed block heels. She fluffed her curly hair and applied light make up. She was putting on her jewelry when she saw the time.

6:45 am

She quickly finished, grabbing her belongings and leaving. She made it to her car and drove to her job. She managed a clothing boutique in the Towson area.

"Hey, Shani." Her co-worker and friend, Gianna, greeted as she walked in. "Someone left you a gift this morning."

"Oh really." She said, walking back to her office.

She let out a huff of frustration when she saw a bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk. She walked over and pulled up the car, reading the note inside.

' I had an amazing time, hopefully we can do this again.

- Travis'

She scoffed at the note, tossing it in the trash. It's been two years since the chaos happened between her and finding her fiancé with her best friend. In those two years, Ashanti swore off dating and marriage all together, not wanting to experience another heartbreak. The last three months, her sister had been trying to convince her to go back into the dating world.

She eventually agreed just to get her sister off her back and the first date she went on, the guy talked only about himself. Every question and statement, he somehow managed to make it about himself. Then when the bill came, he asked for separate checks and said he'd pay for it if he got 'something in return'.

She wasn't surprised when she saw the guy had sent flowers, but shocked at the fact that he thought she'd go on another date with him. She wasn't fully against going back into the dating world, but if this is the type of personality she's gonna come across, she'd rather be single. She took the flowers to the front and placed them in a nearby trash can.

"What did the flowers do?" Gia joked. "Was it that bad of a date?"

"Girl, he talked about himself the entire night."

There was a ding sound to let them know that a customer was walking in and Ashanti turned to see two police officers. One of them was a familiar officer who patrolled the area, an older man. The second officer was younger and very handsome.

"Hi, Ms. Pierce." The older officer greeted.

"Officer Olsen. What can I do for you gentlemen today?" She asked, standing next to Gia behind the counter.

"Two things..." she watched as officer Olsen walked to a rack of clothing and grabbed a laced neon green shirt. "... the wife wanted me to grab this."

She smiled as he placed the clothing on the counter. Officer Olsen was definitely know for grabbing something for his wife from the store every once in a while. She quickly charged out the clothing, giving him their law enforcement discount.

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