Chapter Six

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"Lucas! S-stop!" Ashanti screamed as he lifted her over his shoulder.

He laughed as he smacked her butt before tossing her into the pool, jumping in after. Ashanti swam up to the top, her hair being pulled down over her face by the water. Feeling tired, Ashanti climbed out of the pool and sat next Gia as Lucas and Zara raced each other.

"Lucas asked me to be his girlfriend." Ashanti announced.

Gia's head snapped in her direction and she looked at her with an ecstatic expression. "It's about time. You guys are coming up on three months almost."

Ashanti was about to say something when her phone began vibrating. She picked it up, reading the caller id.

Incoming call... Unknown

She let out a sigh of frustration as she rejected the call.

"Everything okay?" Gia asked, concerned.

"An unknown number keeps calling me. I used to answer it and it would just be silence on the other end." Ashanti explained.

"Creepy. Have you told Lucas?"

Ashanti shook her head. "It's probably a kid that thinks they're doing a good prank. They only been doing it today."

"Mhm. The holidays are coming up, what are y'all gonna do?"

"I don't know. I haven't told my family about him and I don't think his family knows about me. He has mandatory holiday time for thanksgiving, so I'll probably go to my family's house. We don't know about Christmas yet." Ashanti explained.

"Well, I'm glad you're with Lucas. He's a great guy."

Ashanti looked in Lucas's direction to see him doing a backflip off the diving board. As he came up, he had a grin on his face. He made eye contact with Ashanti and sent her a wink, making her blush.


"Make sure you call me when you go home, keep your location on, if something happens on the road then pull to a well lit area, and make sure-"

"Lucas." Ashanti laughed as she stopped his rambling. "No need to worry, I'll probably stay the night. I usually do."

He gave a small smile, his eyes scanning above the phone. Ashanti could tell by the background that he was in his police car. Seeing him in his uniform was such a turn on for her.

"Be safe, baby... you don't have to say it, but I just wanted you to know that I love you." Lucas admitted

Ashanti's heart began to flutter and she felt her chest warm hearing those words come from his mouth. Even though they've been together for four months, it felt way longer.

"I love you, too." She said back, and Lucas didn't hide his happiness when hearing her say it.

"Tienes mi corazón en tus manos." [you have my heart in your hands.]

They said their goodbyes and Ashanti got out of her car. As she walked to the front door, she could hear the joyful talking from her family.

"Hello!" She called out as she went inside.

Her parents had an open floor design, so everyone could see when had walked into the room. Her father and older brother, Dj, waved as they payed more attention to the football game.

"Auntie Ash!" Her nieces, Kayla and Brianna, screamed as they ran over to her.

"My beautiful nieces." She smiled and she gave them a hug. "I hope y'all are listening to your momma."

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