Chapter Three

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It was around 6 a.m. when Ashanti finally got a call saying that she could come back to the shop. Things were much worse in the daylight. They didn't get away with much merchandise and thankfully there was no money taken. She spent most of the morning with back and forth calls from Mrs. Taylor and the insurance company. It's a good thing Mrs. Taylor went with the most coverage possible, otherwise she'd be bankrupt with the cost of repairs.

Ashanti was sweeping the glass from the broken door. Luckily, there was a company willing to replace the door same day, but Ashanti wanted to try and clean that area before they come.

"This is fucking insane." Gia muttered as she picked up the hangers and threw them into a box, taking the box to the back.

Ashanti heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and looked up to see Officer Moreno. She was a little surprised to see him not in uniform. Instead, he wore a pair of dark jeans, a light grey shirt, and black flight jacket. His hair was slicked back and he wore a gold cross chain around his neck.

Damn. He's sexier in regular clothes.

Ashanti mentally shook her head of the thought as he walked over to her. "Officer Moreno, I wasn't expecting you."

"You can call me Lucas." He insisted, flashing his pearly whites. "Also, I wanted to stop by and check in on y'all."

Ashanti smiled, propping herself up on the broom. "Well, I appreciate that, Lucas. A door company should be here soon to replace it. Still got some picking up to do, but it shouldn't take us long."

"Well, can I help?" He asked.

"You don't have to-"

"Please, let me. I'm off today and have nothing better to do with my life." He interjected.

Ashanti stared him down for a moment before nodding in agreement. She told him all the things that needed to be done and without hesitation, he went for the first thing. At some point during the clean up, he had taken off his jacket and Ashanti couldn't resist taking looks at his muscles as he picked things up and moved them.

"Lucas is one fine specimen of a man." Gia said lowly as she watched him take trash bags out the back door.

Ashanti hummed in agreement. Lucas came back inside and raised his arms up in a stretch. Ashanti couldn't shy away as the bottom of his shirt raised a little, giving her a barely visible glance of his waistline.

"Maybe try him." Gia suggested, nudging Ashanti.

Ashanti shook her head. "No, Gia. I've had enough dates for right now."

"Why not? He's an officer so there's the loyalty and integrity. I don't see a ring on his finger and he's here on his day off which means he's probably single." Gia listed.

"How would you know he's single? Also, how do we know he's into women?" Ashanti asked with a raised eyebrow.

She has nothing against a gay man, but a fine man like Lucas and single, either he's gay or is toxic. He doesn't give off toxic vibes.

"Girl, he checked you out hard as hell yesterday, so definitely not gay. As for finding out if he's single... Lucas!" Gia called him over with a smirk on his face.

Ashanti shushed Gia as Lucas walked out to the counter where they were standing. Ashanti had her arms propped on the top of the counter and her face buried in her hands, using her ears to listen to the embarrassment.

"Lucas, it's so great that you could be here to help us. Are you sure your girlfriend doesn't mind you being here?" Gia asked in a sweetheart voice.

Lucas chuckled, dropping his head a little. "I actually don't have a girlfriend, I'm very much single."

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