Chapter Four

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Ashanti's room looked like a tornado came and went. There were clothes all over the place. She had less than hour to meet Lucas and the only thing she managed to accomplish was showering, doing her make up, and doing her hair. She has a very presentable wardrobe but for some reason, nothing seemed perfect in her eyes.

For her other date, she could have cared less about what she was wearing. She honestly would have shown up in sweats and a t-shirt but put in effort for her sister. She actually wanted to impress Lucas and she felt as if nothing looked perfect.

There was a knock on the door and Ashanti muttered a slew of curse words before going to answer it.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Gia asked when she saw Ashanti in nothing but her robe.

"I can't find anything and I'm getting so frustrated... I'll cancel it."

"No!" Gia practically yelled when Ashanti turned to go grab her phone. "I will go and pick something out for you. You sit and wait for me. I know you're frustrated, but I refuse to let you cancel your date."

Ashanti sat on the couch. "Besides, I wasted too much gas getting out here." Gia muttered as she walked away.

Ashanti could hear rustling and movement as Gia went through her room. Surprisingly, it didn't take long before Gia came back out with clothes, jewelry, and a pair of knee high boots in her hands. She chose a black body-con dress that had a v-neck and stopped just above the knees, with her faded jean jacket, and gold jewelry.

"Go put this on." Gia said, handing her the outfit.

Ashanti quickly went to put things on and felt the weight lift off her shoulders as she scanned her outfit in the mirror. It was too plain, but just the right about of sexy. Her braids cascaded down over her shoulders and her make up more on the natural side.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." She repeated as she gave Gia a hug.

Gia smiled. "Yeah, yeah. Now, grab your things and let's go before you're late."

They quickly left out, making their way to the theater. When they got there, Lucas was standing outside. He on a pair of black pants with a short sleeved white polo button up and his black bomber jacket. Even in the bare lighting, he looked good.

"Just shoot me a text like thirty minutes or so before you're ready and keep your location on. Him being a cop doesn't mean shit to me." Gia instructed.

"Yes, mom." Ashanti joked, earning a flat look from Gia. "Thank you again."

She gave Gia a hug before stepping out of the car and making her way over to Lucas. When he saw he, he walked towards her meeting her halfway. When they were close enough, his eyes slowly roamed her body.

"You look amazing." He smiled, making her blush.

"You kids be safe and have fun, but not too much fun!" Gia yelled out of the car before rolling up the window and driving off.

They both laughed at her silliness before walking inside. Thankfully, it wasn't a busy night, so they were able to buy their tickets and snacks in no time. They took their seats and Ashanti shifted nervously in her seat.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked, taking notice of her movements.

"I, uh, I'm not a big fan of horror movies." She admitted.

"Well, why did you tell me to buy the tickets? Let's go-" He said standing up, but she quickly stopped him, pulling him back down to his seat.

"No, no, it's fine. I don't like them, but I watch for the adrenaline and thrill." She explained, slightly embarrassed.

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