Chapter Sixteen

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"Do you need anything?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Do you want water?"

"Are you cold? Do you need a blanket?"

Ashanti had barely sat down on the couch for a minute and already, she bombarded by everyone attempting to cater to her. As much as she appreciated the concerns everyone had, she just wanted a little bit of peace and quiet.

"I'm fine, guys. Really, I'm fine. I just want to relax." She said as she cuddled to a couch pillow.

"I'm sorry I got a place with stairs. I didn't think you'd be in this much pain after birth." Lucas apologized as he pulled a blanket over her.

Ashanti was more than shocked when she had found out that Lucas had bought a home during her absence. It was a beautiful three bedroom, three bathroom home with a huge backyard. Lucas said he searched and searched until he found this house.

"No need to apologize."

Elena's crying got their attention and Lucas picked her up from the bassinet. He picked her up and softly rocked her until she quieted down.

"I think the needs to be changed, I'll be back." Lucas said as he made his way up to the nursery.

He walked in to see Vanessa with the onesie. He felt bad for lying to Ashanti, but it would be a positive outcome. He quickly switched Elena's onesie.

"Are you sure she's going to like this?" Lucas asked, nervously.

"I'm positive. I think my sister will love this a hell of a lot better than her first proposal." Vanessa said confidently.

Picking Elena up, Lucas made his way downstairs with Vanessa following close behind. Lucas gently laid Elena down in her arms, pulling the blanket back a little so she could see the words.

"Oh, what does this onesie say..." She was surprised when she read the words.

'Will you marry my daddy?'

Ashanti looked up just as Lucas kneeled before her, holding out a ring in a box.

"Ashanti, from the day I met you, I knew in my gut that you were the one. It obviously took you a while to feel the same about me, but I'm ever so grateful that you gave me a chance. It has been a very... adventurous almost two years and you've blessed me with the most beautiful little girl..."

He grabbed onto her hand. "Will you do me the honors of marrying me?"

"Yes, I'll marry you." She said through her tears.

Lucas put the ring onto her finger before giving her a kiss. Everyone cheered happily and congratulated them. Eventually, everyone except for Lucas's family left. Lucas's family were staying with them for a couple days.

"Aw, I hope I get the same love story as you guys... except for the stalking, killer ex... and the kidnapping.. and the almost dying at birth, we can definitely skip that one." Lilian said, earning a glare from Catherine.

Squirming under her mother's gaze, Lilian quickly left. Catherine turned her attention to her granddaughter.

"You know, since Lucas was a boy, he always said he wanted a daughter. Whenever I asked why, he said he loved to relationship his father and sister has and wanted the same." Catherine gushed.

"I never thought I would have kids." Ashanti said as she gently brushed Elena's eyebrow with her finger.

"Well, you can get that thought out of your head because I don't think that my son is gonna settle with little one." Catherine smiled as she played with Elena's fingers.

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