Chapter Eighteen *Mature Content*

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"Look at my little niecey poo." Gia gushed as she blew raspberries on Elena's stomach.

Elena gave a gummy smile as reaction and Ashanti smiled at the sighted as she placed another folded onesie in the laundry basket.

"How have things been?" Zara asked as she came from the kitchen with a glass of tea, taking a seat next to Ashanti.

"Uh, hectic..." She sighed as she moved a stray curl from her face.

Six weeks is how long it's been since she and Lucas were followed from their date night. They made it a thing to inform anyone they're close with so they can be prepared just in case Trey goes at them. They still always have an officer near the house just in case and Lucas has been working his hardest to find Trey.

The last she heard Lucas mention was that Trey had skipped town, but left some of his men in charge. They've been cracking down on all of Trey's operations, hoping it will lure him from the shadows. Lucas had been under a lot of stress and it doesn't help with a newborn.

Gia was about to say something when the door opened and Lucas walked in. He didn't say anything, he just took his shoes off at the door and made his way up to their bedroom. Gia and Zara shared a look before looking at Ashanti, who looked sad.

"Are you two on good terms?" Gia asked.

Ashanti shrugged. "I guess. The date night we had was fine until we got followed, but we've been kind of distant since then. A little hard to find alone time with his job, the gang members, and a newborn." Ashanti expressed as folded another onesie.

Zara and Gia both hummed before getting up and going upstairs. She was confused seeing as though Gia had Elena in her arms. She heard shuffling and movement before coming back down with a diaper bag and fully dressed Elena. Zara went into the kitchen and filled up two formula dispenser, grabbed at least four bottles, and a couple bottles of water.

"What are y'all doing?" Ashanti asked when she saw Gia buckling Elena up in her car seat.

"You two clearly need some alone time and since you already have your clearance from your doctor, some good sex sounds like a necessity too." Zara stated.

"We're going to take our niece for the day and bring her back tonight, but you two need to go let off some steam." Gia followed up. "We'll text you and keep you updated so y'all don't freak out."

Without another word, they had left. Ashanti smiled, feeling so grateful for the friends and family she has. The fact that they are willing to take the baby without her asking is a blessing alone. She put the onesie she had been holding in the laundry basket and made her way up the stairs.

She walked to their room to see Lucas lying at the edge of the bed with nothing but a towel around his waist. Judging by the steam coming from their bathroom, he had just gotten out of the shower.

"You look tired." She said as she leaned against the door frame.

"Not tired, just... stressed." He grumbled with his hand over his eyes.

Ashanti quietly pulled off her shirt and sweatpants, revealing her naked body and walked over. She knelt in front of Lucas, tugging at the edge of his towel.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked, propping himself up with his elbows.

"Gia and Zara took the baby, so we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want." She told him.

She felt his body relax when she said that and slowly moved the towel. Her eyes stared at his erection before her lips wrapped around it. She slowly moved down until his full length was in her mouth and Lucas let out a gasp like moan. She moved her head back up and gently swirled her tongue around his tip.

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