Chapter Eight

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"Come in, it's cold out." Vanessa ushered them inside. "Momma! Shani is here and she got something special."

They walked to the main area and everyone turned to them. There were a mixture of emotions - happiness, excitement, confusion, and nothing.

"Lucas, this is my family. My mom, dad.. my nieces, Kayla and Brianna... my brother, DJ, and my brother-in-law, Calvin..." Ashanti introduced her family.

"Family, this is Lucas... my boyfriend..."

"It's about time we finally get to meet you." Her mother said as she pulled Lucas into a hug. "Please, call me Cheryl."

"Hey, young man, nice to meet you." Her dad said as he shook Lucas's hand. "You can call me Mark."

"Dj, go get Renee and Jade, so we can eat." Her mother instructed her brother.

"No need, I'm here." Renee said as she came from the back room. "I heard a lot of commotion and now I see why."

"Lucas, this is my sister-in-law, Renee, and my youngest niece, Jade."

"Nice to meet you, Lucas." Renee said as she shook his hand.

"Alright everyone, to the table." Ashanti's mother said cheerfully.

They all took their seats and Lucas eyes scanned the table, eyeing every bit of food he was wanting to eat. They said prayer before digging in. Ashanti saw Lucas reach for the gravy, but stopped him.

"Mushroom gravy." He nodded.

"Oh!" Ashanti's mother all but yelled as she got up, surprising everyone.

She walked to the over and pulled out one of her other gravy bowls, bringing it over and sitting it in front of Lucas.

"I remembered you don't like mushrooms and made you your own separate gravy." She proudly stated as she sat back down.

"Thank you, Ms. Cheryl." Lucas said as he poured his personal gravy.

"So, Lucas, how did you meet our wonderful little sister?" Vanessa asked.

He chuckled. "So, I'm a cop and I responded when her store was being robbed. I felt bad and came by the next day to help clean."

"Have you ever been engaged?" Dj asked and the entire table went quiet.

All eyes turned to Lucas. "Uh, no. Honestly, my relationship with Ashanti is my first serious one."

Dinner finished soon and Ashanti was in the living room, helping her nieces open the presents she got for them. Lucas was in the kitchen, helping Cheryl per her request. He would take glances in Ashanti's direction, smiling as he watched her interact with the kids.

"You're in love with my daughter, aren't you?" Cheryl asked giving him a knowing look.

"Yes, ma'am. Head over heels." He admitted.

"That makes me happy. Have she told you about him?" Lucas smile fell as he looked down at the dish he was washing. "I take that as a yes..."

".. take it easy with her, but love on her even on her worse days. That monster nearly wiped all the life out of my little girl, but you're bringing it back."

Lucas looked back over to Ashanti, admiring her as she raised her youngest niece in the air and gave her kisses. His mind then began to think about them having their own children. She'd be an amazing mother.

Ashanti let out a sigh as she laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She looked at the empty space next to her and huffed in frustration. She knew that her parents would want them to spend the night, much safer on holiday nights, but they have one rule for first overnights with significant others... no sleeping in the same room.

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