Chapter Twenty-One

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Ashanti stood in front of the full length mirror, taking in her look. She couldn't believe she was doing this again. She was wearing a wedding dress again and was preparing herself to say I do.

"You look beautiful." Her mother gushed with teary eyes.

"I'm not too sure about this." She stated as she turned to the women in her room.

"Oh no, you will not be doing this today." Vanessa disagreed. "The last round, I can understand the nervousness, but not this time. This man has been way too good for you to back out."

"What if it doesn't work out?"

Everyone gave her an 'are you serious' look. "Yeah, it definitely won't work after two years, a kid, and the both of you nearly dying for each other." Lilian stated sarcastically.

"It's time to go." Catherine stated.

The entire way to the church, Ashanti felt like she wanted to throw up. They finally pulled up and everyone got in their position. The music began to play and all the bridesmaids went first. Then it was her nieces and Elena. Ashanti smiled as she watched her baby girl waddle down the aisle. Finally, it was her turn.

"Are you ready to do this?" Her father asked as he held his arm out.

She nodded before hooking her arm into his. The music began playing and the double doors were opened. In that moment, her focus was on Lucas. He looked absolutely handsome in his suit. She made it to the alter where her father gave her off to Lucas and handed her bouquet to Vanessa.

She held hands with Lucas as they stared into each other's eyes. She could see the tears forming in his and began to tear up herself. The pastor quickly made it to the vow section of the wedding.

"Lucas, when I first met you, I definitely was not interested in you or even dating you.."

Everyone in the crowd softly laughed. "I had sworn off dating, but you didn't give up. You came into my life and showed me nothing short of love and gratitude. I never thought that I'd be standing at an alter in a wedding dress, but you made sure it happened. I love every little thing about you and I'm so glad I said yes when you asked me out.."

"Ashanti, from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I remember calling you my wife on our first date and you thought I was joking, but I was most definitely serious. You have given me the most amazing gift, our baby girl..."

Everyone gushed and there barely a dry eye in the building. "I can't wait to tackle this thing called life with you and love you every day."

The pastor finished off with their 'I do's and they shared a passionate kiss. Pulling away, they turned to the crowd of people who have supported them and loved them every step of the way.


Ashanti was in the bathroom, pacing back and forth as she waited for the test. It was a minute later when it began beeping. She quickly grabbed it and a grin grew on her face when she read the words 'pregnant'.

They were on their honeymoon in Barcelona and she hadn't been feeling good, so she took a test. They weren't exactly trying but they weren't preventing it either. She heard the door to the hotel room close and walked out with the test behind her hand.

"I saw that they had donuts so I grabbed you some." Lucas smiled as he placed the plastic bag on the dresser.

"Lucas.." Ashanti said as she held up the test with a smile on her face.

Lucas looked up and saw the test in her hand. His eyes shot from the test to Ashanti's face several times before he responded.

"You're kidding.." She shook her head and he rushed over, picking her up and spinning her around.

When he put her down, he used both of his hands to gently hold her face as he kissed her. "I swear, if we weren't already married, I'd marry you again." He said against her lips.

The End.

This was my first book that I actually followed through with and finished. I was a little nervous about the mature content but did my best. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the book. I will be attempting to write another eventually, so keep an eye out. Thank you for reading to the end. xoxo - Author

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