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"So girls, can you confirm whether or not you two are back together?"

Freya and Sam sat in the news interview room, in front of a thousand cameras. Freya nervously shifted in her chair, still fairly uncomfortable and uncertain about the topic of their relationship being bought up in public. Sam turned to face Freya, shooting her a smile and then doing the same to the interviewer. 

"Yeah, Frey and I are currently together. We have been for around a month." she said, her confidence in front of a camera clearly evident. 

"That's amazing news! I swear the whole world was rooting for you guys, especially after your shock breakup." said the interviewer. She had short ginger hair, which was tucked behind her ears. "Now Sam, the public has to know; who was that fiery Instagram caption directed at? Everybody has been talking about it!"

She were referring to Sam's Instagram caption from what she posted after Alexis decided to message Freya last night. Sam frowned, and Freya grew very apprehensive about Sam's response to the question. As much as Freya hated Alexis, she didn't want to even think about that whole situation anymore and if Sam got her way, the dramatics about it were sure to continue. 

Sam took a deep breath, before opening her mouth to speak. "Oh that was nothing, really. You know what they say, just let sleeping dogs lie." Sam placed her hand on Freya's thigh, and a wave of relief rushed over the blonde girl.

"Okay, and one final question for Freya." Freya nodded. "We have noticed that your once seemingly unbreakable friendship with Alexis Miller has gone very quiet. How are things between you two?"

Freya sighed, the interviewer wasn't going to let them leave until one of them spilt some sort of drama about Alexis. Luckily, she had rehearsed an answer for this question in her head. "Well, Lexi will always have a special place in my heart." she said, lying through her teeth. "But her and I haven't exactly been on the best of terms at the moment. When she decides to take accountability and not disrespect our friendship, I will be more than happy to speak to her."

The interviewer nodded. There was an air of awkwardness in the room. "Well, thank you so much girls! It was lovely to speak with you both." Sam and Freya nodded, then were given the signal to end the interview. Sam stood up, shaking the interviewers hand and then wrapping an arm around Freya's waist.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked. 


The two walked out to their car in silence. If there was one thing they knew, it was that it was never a good idea to give any news companies ammunition against them. Once they were in the car, it was time to debrief.

Freya buckled up her seatbelt. "Was I too mean in the last question?" she asked, turning to Sam with a worried expression on her face.

"No, not at all. I think it was perfectly professional." said Sam, turning the car on. "You worry too much, love."


They were at dinner now. Freya sat at the table with Sam, Mackenzie, Steph, Alanna and Caitlin. Many of the Matildas girls would try to catch up whenever they could, despite the fact that when they were in England they became opponents.  

"Yeah honestly I wanted to beat that bitch up, Freya." said Mackenzie, with an aggravated look on her face. Macca had a temper.

"Exactly, she has a lot of fucking nerve trying to mess with you guys." agreed Cait.

Sam leaned across the table, eager to join in on the Alexis slander, "If I see her in the street, I won't be able to keep my cool."

Alanna, Steph and Freya all looked at eachother, laughing. Steph tended to be a voice of reason within the group and Alanna was too, so even if they felt the same way as the others they wouldn't voice it.

"No offense Sammy, but I coulda killed you for hurting my Freya. I was fully ready to throw away years of friendship if I had to," said Lani. The great thing about the friendship these girls had was that they weren't afraid to call out eachother's bullshit.

Sam looked at Alanna. Usually she would try to fight anyone who said anything about her, but she knew that Lans was right. She did mess up.

"Well, I kinda deserved it." she said, moving closer to Freya on the chair. "I'm still not sure why Freya forgived me, I'm the luckiest girl ever."

Freya smiled at Sam, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Urghhhh. Get a room!" Said Caitlin, making a pretend face of disgust at the couple.

"Well, I for one am glad that you two got back together. It would've made training really awkward," said Steph.

The food then came out, and the girls began devouring the mountains of sushi they had ordered.


One thing about the couple was that they loved their downtime. Whenever possible, Sam and Freya would spend the night at one of their apartments with a movie on. Tonight, it was "The Hunger Games'.

"This is like the fourth time you have made me watch this movie. I'm sick of it!" said Sam. She always threw a fit on movie night, cause Freya never let her pick.

"I told you to quit talking. Peeta is about to come on the screen." said Freya, glaring at the brunette girl.

"It's not fair that you always get to pick. I want to choose one night." said Sam, ignoring the girl.

"Fine." Freya got up off the lounge, turning off the TV and crossing her arms. "No movie night then."

"Love-" said Sam, before being cut off.

"Nope! You clearly don't love me. I wanted to watch Peeta again and you just complain and complain and complain."

Sam got up, pulling Freya into a hug and squeezing her so she couldn't leave. "I'm sorry. We can watch The Hunger Games as many times as you want." she said.

Freya grinned, seeing an opportunity. "And you also probably hate me, since you haven't bought me a puppy yet."

Sam stared at her, seeing what Freya was trying to do. "I don't know if a puppy is the best idea right now.. we have Helen. Isn't that enough?"

Freya shook her head. "Helen is a cat, I like dogs. And anyway, she lives at your house and when I'm at mine I get lonely." she paused, "If a robber breaks in, I'm dead Sam. Who will be to blame? You, because you didn't get me a puppy to guard me."

Sam pulled Freya back down onto the couch. "Maybe when we move in together."

"I miss Bentley." said Freya quietly.

"I know." said Sam, pulling Freya's chin up. "I'll protect you from a robber though."


authors note:

not lovin it

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