Chapter 1. Brea.

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HEy guys(: Its me i deleted my other stories =___= But this ones gonna b eawweeesommme(:


"Come on Jennifer! Dont be such a baby!" She said hoping from rock to rock.

Across the shallow river. Jennifer looked down and saw lively sea creatures swimming gracefully thru the parted waves.

Jennifer looked around. She remembered this place. But she had never been here before. Its like she knew everything about to happen.

Like she was controlling this. but of course that absurd. Jennifer was nothing but a normal 8th grader. She had control over nothing.

"Phone Brea" Jennifer said not even looking up from the gold fish swimming around her toes. Brea looked at her with a confused look. Sure enough, her phone had started ringing in her pocket.

She laughed softly. "I never knew how you could do that." Taking a breathe and stepping off the rocks. "Hello?" Brea sighed softly. "Oh, hey babe." She paused. For a long time a empty expression on her face.

"Okay. Okay. Fine" She hung up and put the phone in her pocket. "Chris says I have to stay out here for another half an hour." Jennifer was confused. Stay out here? She thought to herself. Thats not sensible at all! "Well, Why?" She asked Brea.

Looking at her phone, not bringing up her head. "I dont know. He didnt say. I hope its not another drug dealing. He already went to jail. Chris was known for being involved with drugs. "I hope not to" Jennifer couldve sworn i saw something (or someone) running across the pond. Jennifer knew because the water was still serttling down. What the hack?

AHHHHHHHHH Jennifer heard from behind her.


Breaa? What happened?" JEnnifer turned around. She saw brea running through an openning. Looking behind her, Jennifer saw that dang shadow again. Picking up pace, she yelled out to Brea. "RUN BREA RUN! RUN! Breaaa! Brea no!!"

Jennifer didnt know what happened. Next thing she knew, she was sitting in a police station, next to brea's parents. "Breaa! My baby! My baby!" Brea's mom mourned into Mr. Davis' arms.

Knowing that what I dreamt came true, I knew This was only the begginning.

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